Anthroposophy, Psychology, Pneumatosophy
These twelve lectures form the basis for an entirely new psychology that considers the whole human being in body, soul and spirit.
The Evolution of the Mysteries
The wisdom contained in this book is not derived via the usual methods of scholarly and historical research, and neither is it based on theory or speculation. Rudolf Steiner acquired his original contribution to human knowledge from metaphysical dimensions of reality which are hidden to most people – but visible to anybody who is prepared to develop spiritual means of perception.
A New Foundation for the Study of Human Nature
This written attempt to create a spiritual anthropology was found among Rudolf Steiner's unpublished works after his death.
An Esoteric Introduction
Although these nine lectures were given to an audience that had been studying anthroposophy, or spiritual science, for many years, they were nevertheless described by Rudolf Steiner as an ‘introductory course’. Given shortly after the Christmas Foundation Meeting, in which Rudolf Steiner refounded and renewed the Anthroposophical Society, these lectures reformulate the content of spiritual science from a condensed, personal, experiential point of view. What Steiner presented in his fundamental work Theosophy in a descriptive, systematic way, is complemented here with great intensity, challenging us to cultivate a living experience of the spiritual nature of ourselves and of the world. This volume is therefore an invaluable companion to the book Theosophy.
Writings and Lectures from Mid-1890s to 1916
Goethe, the great German polymath poet, scientist, dramatist, and novelist, was a major influence throughout Steiner’s life and teaching. While still a student, Steiner wrote introductions to Goethe’ scientific writings (1884–1890), the collection of which became volume 1 in his Collected Works. He also wrote two volumes on Goethe’s epistemology (1886) and philosophy (1894). As he moved closer to the esoteric world, he also gave seminal lectures on Goethe’s fairy tale, “The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily.” Gradually, he finally approach Goethe’s masterwork, the epic (and deeply esoteric) drama, Faust.
The Fate of a Lost Land and its Secret Knowledge
The wisdom contained in this book is not derived via the usual methods of scholarly and historical research, and neither is it based on theory or speculation. Rudolf Steiner acquired his original contribution to human knowledge from metaphysical dimensions of reality which are hidden to most people - but visible to anybody who is prepared to develop spiritual means of perception.
The implications of the worldview that arises from Anthroposophy—the life’s work of Rudolf Steiner—are both primary and far-reaching. More nuanced than any remotely comparable approach, his work not only suggests the need for a fundamental alteration of our deeply ingrained tendency to accept passively the received wisdom of staid conventionality, it also provides the concrete framework—for anyone with the will to do so—to wake up to reality in an entirely new way. In short, this work and its implications are, therefore, both radical and possibly quite powerful. If this were not true, Anthroposophy would have no real impact and no real enemies. However, this has not been the case.
The Significance of Anthroposophy in Contemporary Spiritual Life
“There is no contradiction, if you look into the matter correctly, between destiny and freedom. However, in order to be able to present the concept of destiny to the world later on, it was first necessary that the concept of freedom be presented in the book The Philosophy of Freedom.” — Rudolf Steiner
Soul-and-Spirit in Man's Physical Constitution; The Moral as the Source of World-Creative Power; The Path to Freedom and Love and Their Significance in World-Events.
The Mystery, Teaching and Mission of a Master
The wisdom contained in this book is not derived via the usual methods of scholarly and historical research, and neither is it based on theory or speculation. Rudolf Steiner acquired his original contribution to human knowledge from metaphysical dimensions of reality which are hidden to most people – but visible to anybody who is prepared to develop spiritual means of perception.
The Course for Speakers to Promote the Idea of Threefolding
From time to time, reading Rudolf Steiner’s Collected Works, one encounters a previously unknown set of lectures that seems to promise no more than a rather specialized content, of interest primarily to those concerned with its apparent theme—here a preparatory course for those about to embark on a speaking tour to promote the “threefolding” of society. Then one discovers various subthemes that unexpectedly spark new insights, not only into Anthroposophy, but also into Steiner himself, who suddenly appears in a new light. In such cases, we may encounter a passage or lecture that illuminates, challenges, and ultimately transforms what we think we know, and our perspective changes. Our habitual understanding falls away, and we grasp that what we are reading is not information or description; it is a call to act in a new way. Thereby, we are no longer simply readers, but also participants in the adventure of Anthroposophy.
“My first lectures within the groups that arose from the theosophical movement had to be adjusted to the soul disposition of those people. They had assimilated theosophic literature and were accustomed to certain modes of expression. Initially, in order to be understood, I had to remain with those modes. Nor was it possible for me to use my own terms until, over the course of time, the work had progressed. As a result, the lecture material as it was made available through notes taken during the first years of the anthroposophic work gives a true, inner picture spiritually. It portrays the path I adopted to gradually make spiritual knowledge known, so that what was closer could lead to an understanding of what was more remote. But this approach must really be seen in light of its inner quality.” —Rudolf Steiner,Autobiography: Chapters in the Course of My Life, 1861–1907(pp. 66–67)
"As microcosms we are actually part of, and subject to, the same laws that cosmic beings are, just as the breath we draw is subject to our own human nature.... If our hearts are sensitive to the secrets of cosmic existence and not merely blocks of wood, the words we have been placed into the universe will no longer be an abstract statement. We will be fully alive to this fact. Knowledge and a feeling will spring up within us, the fruits of which will be born in our will impulses, and our whole being will live in unison with the great life, divine cosmic existence." Rudolf Steiner
The Story of Atlantis, Lemuria, and the Division of the Sexes
In the best tradition of the literature of ancient wisdom, Cosmic Memory reconstructs, from the akashic record, events that span the time between the origin of the Earth and the beginning of recorded history.
Cosmic Influences on the Human Being
Rudolf Steiner characterizes the relationship between inner and outer realities. In a sense deeper than normally recognized, the mind/body split is the result of a fear to penetrate the mind, the inner human being. This lack of inner courage rebounds on society and civilization producing the terrible conditions modern humanity finds itself surrounded by. Healing will come only when we summon the courage to penetrate the hidden mysteries within.
7 lectures in Dornach, Switzerland, March 11–23, 1923
“Historical happenings on Earth can be understood in their reality only when we see them as reflections of what is being enacted in the supersensible, spiritual world between the beings of the higher hierarchies.” — Rudolf Steiner (March 17, 1923)
Esoteric Wisdom of the Ancient Celtic Priests
The wisdom contained in this book is not derived via the usual methods of scholarly and historical research, and neither is it based on theory or speculation. Rudolf Steiner acquired his original contribution to human knowledge from metaphysical dimensions of reality which are hidden to most people – but visible to anybody who is prepared to develop spiritual means of perception.
The Living Gifts of Anthroposophy – The Need for New Forms of Consciousness
These authoritative lectures, delivered during a period of deep crisis and conflict in world history, present a comprehensive spiritual teaching for contemporary humanity. Despite the raging world war, Rudolf Steiner was still actively touring Central Europe whilst simultaneously completing work on his architectural masterpiece, the first Goetheanum, in neutral Switzerland.
There is a great difference between the meaning of "know yourself" in the ancient mystery centers and its meaning today. In ancient times, one tried to achieve after death what one can now attain during earthly life. In order to reach higher stages of development after we die, we must become fully human during life on Earth. Such matters have changed over millennia of human and earthly evolution.
There is a great difference between the meaning of "know yourself" in the ancient mystery centers and its meaning today. In ancient times, one tried to achieve after death what one can now attain during earthly life. In order to reach higher stages of development after we die, we must become fully human during life on Earth. Such matters have changed over millennia of human and earthly evolution.
The Children of Lucifer and the Brothers of Christ
‘A wonderfully beautiful legend tells us that when Lucifer fell from heaven to earth a precious stone fell from his crown… This precious stone is in a certain respect nothing else than the full power of the “I”.’
Beginning with questions regarding the body's experience of food and drink - meat, coffee, alcohol - Steiner lays out the progression of anthroposophic spiritual inner work, up to direct perception of 'Paradise' and the Holy Grail. He discusses the role of human beings in our evolution that takes place between the forces of Lucifer and Ahriman.
The Mystery of the Double in the Age of the Internet
‘Large temptations will emanate from these machine-animals, produced by people themselves, and it will be the task of a spiritual science that explores the cosmos to ensure all these temptations do not exert any damaging influence on human beings.’
Evolution, Christ and Modern Spirituality
"In the Paris lecture series, I presented the meaning of a spiritual perception that had gradually 'matured' over a long period of time within me. I explained the general relationship among the aspects of the human being - the physical and etheric organizations as the media for manifesting life; the astral body as the medium for manifesting feeling and volition; and the vehicle of the 'I'. Then I added that the ether body of a man is feminine and that a woman's ether body is masculine. Thus, Anthroposophy illuminated a fundamental question of existence that was often discussed at the time..."
Only recently has it become clear that on most occasions Rudolf Steiner would visit a city to give a lecture, either to members or to the general public, and also hold a meeting of the Esoteric Section where he also gave a talk. These talks were intended to provide his most advanced students with the esoteric background of his ongoing spiritual research.
From the Esoteric School, vol. 2
Notes Written from Memory by the Participants and Meditation Verses by Rudolf Steiner
"Many who enter esoteric training are very disappointed and say that they had imagined the exercises to be much more energetic and the effects of the exercises to be far more drastic. Those who tell this to themselves should quickly consider the possibility that they are caught in a great error, and that they should make the greatest efforts to correct this error as soon as possible. It is not the exercises that lack enough energy, but rather the individual. It is not the exercises that are ineffective, but rather the person who is not making them effective. By living an esoteric life, the student should become an entirely different person. One must add something new to the old." - Rudolf Steiner
From the Esoteric School
Volume 3
Beginning in January 1913, five days after the Anthroposophical Society was founded, this rich volume traces the esoteric work (and lack thereof) in the decade leading up to the reestablishment of the General Anthroposophical Society at the "Christmas Conference" (1923/1924) and the subsequent creation of the First Class, which replaced the Esoteric Section.
Volumes One to Four
During the refounding of the Anthroposophical Society as the General Anthroposophical Society at Christmas 1923/24, Rudolf Steiner also reconstituted, as the School of Spiritual Science, the Esoteric School he had led in three classes from 1904 to 1914, at the same time extending its scope by adding artistic and scientific Sections. However, owing to his illness and later death in March 1925, he was only able to make a beginning by establishing the First Class and the Sections. The actual step from the Esoteric School to the School of Spiritual Science was nevertheless an exceptional one. The Esoteric School from Helena Blavatsky’s time had been secret. Its existence was known only to those personally invited to participate. In contrast, the existence of the School of Spiritual Science was stated openly in the public statutes of the General Anthroposophical Society. From the Christmas Conference onwards, Rudolf Steiner worked within this publicly acknowledged framework.
The Cosmic Past of Humanity and the Mystery of Evil
In what has been referred to as ‘the most advanced course in anthroposophy’, Rudolf Steiner addresses one of the great questions of our time: the role of evil in human development. He speaks of the year 666, when three time streams intersected – the familiar linear stream and two ‘lateral’ streams – and the reoccurrence of the 666-year rhythm in history. At the heart of this mystery is the being Sorat (‘the beast’), who attempted to flood humanity with premature spiritual knowledge by inspiring the scholars of the ancient Academy of Gondishapur. Although responsible for the saving of Aristotle’s works, Steiner describes how the Academy generated tremendous but dangerous gnostic wisdom, which eventually spread through the Christian monasteries and inspired Western scientific thought. Its immediate negative impact, however, had to be counteracted by the Prophet Muhammad and the founding of Islam.
Selected Lectures
Despite the fact that evil is an omnipresent theme of our age, it remains one of the most problematic. Public references to it are continually made, but to what extent has society truly begun to understand its riddle?
The Michael School Meditative Path in Nineteen Steps
"Initiation is precisely this: that we are able to see from the other side of the threshold. There, seeing is not just looking but is also reading. We read the spiritual deeds of spiritual beings who have brought everything into existence. And if we read long enough in this silence, if we put our heart and soul into this reading, we begin to hear in the spirit, and then the gods speak to us. And when the gods speak to us we are within the spiritual world." —Rudolf Steiner (April 25, 1924)
Recapitulation Lessons and Mantras
Recapitulation Lessons given in Prague, Berne, Breslau, London, and Dornach, 1924 (CW 270)
‘It is a cosmic law that what has once taken place can never vanish, but must reappear later in a metamorphosed form. Every thought, feeling and action brought about by man does not only affect the world around him but will re-appear in the future…’ (From the Preface)
14 lectures by Rudolf Steiner
Previously published as At the Gates of Spiritual Science, these lectures offer a fine introduction to the whole of Rudolf Steiner's teaching, as well as including valuable material which is not to be found elsewhere. With great clarity and precision, Steiner speaks of the fundamental nature of the human being in relation to the cosmos, the evolution of the Earth, the journey of the soul after death, reincarnation and karma, good and evil, the modern path of meditative training, as well as giving answers to individual questions.
The Misraim Service: Texts and Documents from the Cognitive-Ritual Section of the Esoteric School 1904-1919
Alongside the Esoteric Section, Rudolf Steiner created the “Cognitive Ritual Section,” an order connected to Masonic tradition, but independent and Inspired by Anthroposophy. This astonishing volume contains the rituals, lectures, meditations, and other instructions Steiner gave to students and members of the esoteric school.
Answers to Questions
The remarkable discussions in this volume took place between Rudolf Steiner and workers at the Goetheanum, Switzerland. The varied subject-matter was chosen by his audience at Rudolf Steiner's instigation. Steiner took their questions and usually gave immediate answers. The astonishing nature of these responses - their insight, knowledge and spiritual depth - is testimony to his outstanding ability as a spiritual initiate and profound thinker. Accessible, entertaining and stimulating, the records of these sessions will be a delight to anybody with an open mind.
Answers to Questions
Previously published as Health and Illness Vols.1 & 2
Answers to Questions
The remarkable discussions in this volume took place between Rudolf Steiner and workers at the Goetheanum, Switzerland. At Rudolf Steiner's instigation, the varied subject-matter was chosen by his audience. He took their questions and usually gave immediate answers. The astonishing nature of these responses - their insight, knowledge and spiritual depth - is testimony to Steiner's outstanding ability as a spiritual initiate and profound thinker. Accessible, entertaining and stimulating, the records of these sessions will be a delight to anyone with an open mind.
Answers to Questions
The remarkable discussions in this volume took place between Rudolf Steiner and workers at the Goetheanum, Switzerland. The varied subject-matter was chosen by his audience at Rudolf Steiner's instigation. Steiner took their questions and usually gave immediate answers. The astonishing nature of these responses - their insight, knowledge and spiritual depth - is testimony to his outstanding ability as a spiritual initiate and profound thinker. Accessible, entertaining and stimulating, the records of these sessions will be a delight to anybody with an open mind.
Answers to Questions
The remarkable discussions in this volume took place between Rudolf Steiner and workers at the Goetheanum, Switzerland. The varied subject-matter was chosen by his audience at Rudolf Steiner's instigation. Steiner took their questions and usually gave immediate answers. The astonishing nature of these responses - their insight, knowledge and spiritual depth - is testimony to his outstanding ability as a spiritual initiate and profound thinker. Accessible, entertaining and stimulating, the records of these sessions will be a delight to anybody with an open mind.
Answers to Questions
The remarkable discussions in this volume took place between Rudolf Steiner and workers at the Goetheanum, Switzerland. The varied subject-matter was chosen by his audience at Rudolf Steiner's instigation. Steiner took their questions and usually gave immediate answers. The astonishing nature of these responses - their insight, knowledge and spiritual depth - is testimony to his outstanding ability as a spiritual initiate and profound thinker. Accessible, entertaining and stimulating, the records of these sessions will be a delight to anybody with an open mind.
Answers to Questions
The remarkable discussions in this volume took place between Rudolf Steiner and workers at the Goetheanum, Switzerland. At Rudolf Steiner's instigation, the varied subject-matter was chosen by his audience. He took their questions and usually gave immediate answers. The astonishing nature of these responses - their insight, knowledge and spiritual depth - is testimony to Steiner's outstanding ability as a spiritual initiate and profound thinker. Accessible, entertaining and stimulating, the records of these sessions will be a delight to anyone with an open mind.
Letters, Documents and Lectures
This volume is an important text for anyone interested in the development of Rudolf Steiner's teaching and for those wishing to explore the advice and admonitions Steiner provided for his early esoteric students. This collection of letters, circulars, and lectures offers a glimpse of the birth of the anthroposophic movement from the German section of the Theosophical Society of the late nineteenth century. One gains a clear picture as to why Steiner could no longer work within the theosophic framework, as well as the events that led to the split between the Theosophical Society under the leadership of Annie Besant and the Esoteric School under Steiner's guidance and leadership.
From Natura to the Divine Sophia
The wisdom contained in this book is not derived via the usual methods of scholarly and historical research, and neither is it based on theory or speculation. Rudolf Steiner acquired his original contribution to human knowledge from metaphysical dimensions of reality which are hidden to most people – but visible to anybody who is prepared to develop spiritual means of perception.
Spiritual-Scientific Commentaries on Goethe’s Faust, Vol. 2
This volume is the sequel to Anthroposophy in the Light of Goethe’s Faust
By late 1916, Rudolf Steiner had become an important interpreter of Goethe and frequently discussed Faust—probably Goethe’s greatest work—from the perspective of anthroposophic Spiritual Science. Although Steiner’s readings are unconventional and unsystematic, his insights into the text are penetrating and prescient, opening scholarly avenues not discovered or pursued by others until decades later and, in some cases, still await fuller elaboration.
The Human Being and the Elemental, Animal, Plant and Mineral Kingdoms
In one of his most popular lecture courses - formerly published as Man as Symphony of the Creative Word - Rudolf Steiner presents an extraordinary panorama of spiritual knowledge centring on the human being. We are the harmony of creation - a microcosm - containing within us 'all the laws and secrets of the world'.
The Quest for the Renewal of the Mysteries
The wisdom contained in this book is not derived via the usual methods of scholarly and historical research, and neither is it based on theory or speculation. Rudolf Steiner acquired his original contribution to human knowledge from metaphysical dimensions of reality which are hidden to most people – but visible to anybody who is prepared to develop spiritual means of perception.
The Influence of the Dead
‘By cultivating spiritual thoughts here on earth we can provide nourishment for the dead... When fields lie fallow they produce no crops to feed humanity and people may die of starvation. The dead cannot die of starvation, of course; all they can do is suffer when spiritual life lies fallow on earth.’ – Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner demonstrates that there are twelve main philosophical standpoints, and that the future of philosophy rests not upon defending one and refuting the others, but in learning to experience the validity of them all.
What convinces us of the truth of a point of view? Why do we find it difficult to understand or accept differing perspectives? What are the inner foundations of our knowledge?
‘In the case of a solar eclipse, the evil that has spread over the earth can be carried out into the cosmos to wreak more havoc there, whereas in the case of a lunar eclipse, people who absolutely want to be possessed by evil thoughts can receive them from the cosmos.’
and the Development of the Human Mind
In an astonishing series of lectures on the science of spiritual knowledge, Rudolf Steiner begins by addressing an audience in Dornach, Switzerland – where, only months earlier, his architectural masterpiece, the first Goetheanum, had been destroyed by fire. He discusses the nature of our planetary system, revealing the planets that are characterised by freedom and those that determine destiny. The spirits of the moon live in seclusion, preserving ‘original wisdom’ and reflecting powers connected to sexuality, whereas the sun creates harmony. Jupiter is ‘the thinker’, whilst the spirits on Saturn act as ‘living memory’. Speaking in London, Steiner states that the things that happen to people in sleep are more important than anything that occurs during waking hours! Human beings, he says, must learn to see themselves as an image of spirits and spiritual activities on earth.
and Our Life Between Death and Rebirth
'When we know how to enter deeply into the realm of the soul, we reach understanding of the harmony that exists between successive lives on earth and the whole of the physical world outside us.' - Rudolf Steiner
Achieving Being in the World of Ideas
These two lecture courses, given just after the beginning of World War I, stand as a kind of unexpected gift. A few months later, once the war became a reality, the possibilities for esoteric work would change and it would become more difficult to do spiritual research. But in the short interval before the true horror of the conflict unfolded, Rudolf Steiner - almost by the way - was able to give these lectures, which lay out in the clearest fashion the path of anthroposophic meditation, and its assumptions, language, and consequences.
An Esoteric Study of the Subterranean Spheres
Modern science can speak with authority regarding only a tiniest fraction of the earth's interior. We have, quite literally, scratched just the surface of our planet. Can we truly know what lies beneath our feet, in the unimaginably deep depths of the earth? Can the phenomenon of spiritual investigation add to this question?
Rudolf Steiner, the Anthroposophical Society and the tasks of its members
'If such authentic souls, such honest anthroposophists can be found ... then an upward movement and dynamic will arise. If such souls do not appear, then decadence will take its inexorable downward course... Today humanity stands before a great crisis: either it will see all civilization collapsing into the abyss, or else spirituality will raise civilization up by the power of the Michael impetus, through which the Christ impetus works, thus continuing, enriching and sustaining it.'
Steiner takes us behind the scenes of routine activities, showing how the combined vocational work of all humanity affects the higher suprasensory realms. This activity mobilizes forces that lead to future worlds, which is the 'karma of vocation'. No human work is insignificant; it all contributes to grand cosmic processes.
Esoteric Studies
Volume 1
During 1924, before his last address in September, Rudolf Steiner gave over eighty lectures on the subject of karma to members of the Anthroposophical Society. These profoundly esoteric lectures examine the underlying laws of reincarnation and karma, and explore in detail the incarnations of certain named historical figures. In Rudolf Steiner's words, the study of karma is 'a matter of penetrating into the most profound mysteries of existence, for within the sphere of karma and the course it takes lie those processes which are the basis of the other phenomena of world-existence?'
Esoteric Studies
Volume 8
During 1924, before his last address in September, Rudolf Steiner gave over eighty lectures on the subject of karma to members of the Anthroposophical Society. These profoundly esoteric commentaries examine the underlying laws of reincarnation and karma, and explore in detail the incarnations of specific historical figures. In Rudolf Steiner’s words, the study of karma is ‘... a matter of penetrating into the most profound mysteries of existence, for within the sphere of karma and the course it takes lie those processes which are the basis of the other phenomena of world existence...’
Esoteric Studies
Volume 4
The karmic groups of souls connected to Aristotelianism and Platonism, the karma of the anthroposophical movement, as well as the individual incarnations of Ernst Haeckel, Vladimir Solovioff and others. This new edition also includes Steiner's last address.
Cosmic Influences and the Spiritual Task of Northern Europe
“Times have become serious; they have become so serious today that we must of necessity look upward from the narrowly defined events occurring within the limited horizon—which the majority of humanity prefers to recognize as the only legitimate one—to the cosmic expanses, also to the cosmic expanses of human soul-spiritual experiences. This is where we witness the cosmic turning point in time. If we become aware of this cosmic turning point in time, then we become aware that a cosmic New Year of the spirit must begin for humanity.”—Rudolf Steiner, New Year’s Eve lecture, 1921/22
Lectures to the Workers at the Goetheanum
In these lectures - also published in From Mammoths to Mediums - Steiner covers a wide range of topics, from the development of independent thinking and the ability to think backward, to the uses of what seems boring and the reversal of thinking between the physical and spiritual worlds.
and its Relation to World Evolution
How are we connected to the world around us? This question, says Rudolf Steiner, is one that lives subliminally, drawing us into the depths of the psyche. There, our candle of consciousness tends to flicker and go out. But spiritual schooling can relight it, so that we learn to perceive realms of our being beyond the restricted self.
Letters, Documents and After-death Communications
Edited by T. H. Meyer
Helmuth and Eliza Von Moltke
Containing a wealth of material on a variety of subjects, Light for the New Millennium tells the story of the meeting of two great men and their continuing relationship beyond the threshold of death: Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) – the seer, scientist of the spirit, and cultural innovator – and Helmuth von Moltke (1848-1916) – a renowned military man, Chief of the General Staff of the German army during the outbreak of the First World War.
This collection brings together all of Steiner's main lectures and writings relating to love. It spans earthly love to the nature and function of spiritual love. Topics include: The Division of the Sexes; The Mission of Reverence; The Teaching of Compassion and Love; Wonder, Compassion, and Conscience; Faith, Love and Hope; as well as the title lecture.
The Greater and the Lesser World
Questions Concerning the Soul, Life and the Spirit
Rudolf Steiner shows how deeply and intimately human beings, the microcosm, are related to the macrocosm. But for Steiner the macrocosm is more than just the physical universe. It includes many hidden realms – like the world of Elements and the world of Archetypes – which lie behind outer manifestations such as our physical body. The macrocosm works within us continuously – in the daily alternation between sleeping and waking and in the great cyclical interchange between incarnation on earth and our time between death and rebirth. Steiner discusses the various paths of self-development that lead across the threshold to spiritual dimensions, transforming human soul-forces into organs of higher perception. In future we will even have the capacity to evolve a form of thinking that is higher than the intellect – the thinking of the heart.
12 lectures, Dornach, November-December, 1922 (CW 219)
Meditations 1903 - 1925
Soul exercises, 1903-1925
Transform yourself for the sake of the world.
Learn to practice thinking, feeling, sensing, and willing without egoism.
Let your work be the shadow that your I casts
when it is shone upon by the flame of your higher self.MATERIALISM AND THE TASK OF ANTHROPOSOPHY
In this history of human consciousness, Steiner explains that the world ended in A.D. 300, when it became impossible to find spirit in nature. Since then, we have been living in an increasingly spiritual world on a disintegrating, dying Earth. Although people have been asleep to the spiritual reality that surrounds us, Steiner shows a way out of today’s blind materialism that takes us toward a new spiritual perception and knowledge, which is the only way that we will find the Christ in our time.
and other Lectures on Fundamental Issues
What is the meaning of life? This most fundamental of all questions has challenged human beings for millennia. Rudolf Steiner addresses the eternal enigma with a refreshing directness, giving profound and enlightening answers.
“It is particularly important . . . especially at the present time, to speak about the mission of the individual folk souls . . . because the destiny of humanity in the near future will bring people together in far greater measure than has hitherto been the case in order to fulfil a mission common to the whole of humanity. But the members of the individual peoples will only be able to offer their proper, free, and positive contributions if they have, above all else, an understanding of their own native origin, an understanding of what we might call the self-knowledge of their people, their folk.” —Rudolf Steiner
in relation to Teutonic Mythology
'If we wish to understand the inner life of an individual we must study the soul as well as the body, and if we desire to gain real insight into national characteristics we must explore the psychic and spiritual element underlying them. This psychic and spiritual element, however, reflects not merely the activity of individual human souls working in concert, but has its origin in a higher order... Either one must seek a basis for the psychology of peoples in a spiritual reality or one must abandon such a psychology in total.' - Rudolf Steiner (from the Preface)
From Arthur and Parzival to Modern Initiation
From the ancient British tales of King Arthur and his knights through the medieval Central European sagas of Parzival, right up to modern-day blockbuster novels and films, the Grail has long maintained its enigmatic presence in western culture. It is said to be many things: a lost and priceless treasure, the chalice cup of the Last Supper, the cup that caught Jesus Christ's blood from the cross on Golgotha, or even a secret royal bloodline...
A Poem for Christmas and Easter by W. J. v. Goethe
In this lecture, given on Christmas day, Rudolf Steiner reflects on the deep mysteries of the events surrounding Christ's incarnation, death, and resurrection on Earth. The foundation of his message was the three magi from the East and Goethe's poem “The Mysteries,” told from the perspective of a kind of archetypal pilgrim of esoteric Christianity:
'By bringing the chosen leaders, prophets or priests to confront the powers of life and death, to discover the deeper needs and potential of the human spirit, the Mysteries had kept humanity in touch with the living foundations of experience. For those who went through their processes, the attainment of wisdom was the culmination of an existential struggle...' - Dr Andrew Welburn
The Human Being, Model of Creation
The ancient mystery saying called on the human being to 'Know Yourself!' Rudolf Steiner explains that this maxim is not asking us to study subjectively our own personal character, but rather to come to a knowledge of our true, archetypal human nature - and with it the position we occupy in the universe.
Discovering the Seeds of a New Science in the Renaissance
Discovering the Seeds of a New Science in the Renaissance
Kalevala – Olaf Åsteson – The Russian People
The World as the Result of Balancing Influences
The heart of this volume comprises Rudolf Steiner’s commentary on the elemental forces that are responsible for our earthly nature as human beings – forces that influence us through our membership of a national or geographical group. When such elemental forces are not recognised and understood, he states, they cause conflict and chaos. However, Steiner indicates an important accompanying task that calls upon each human being to develop individuality, emancipating ourselves from the earthly influences underlying national and racial groups.
Life Questions in the Light of Spiritual Science
Speaking to audiences in Denmark, Germany and France, Rudolf Steiner discusses a wide range of topics: from positive and negative human soul capacities, true self-knowledge and karma, to changes in human consciousness, from ancient times to the modern era – all in the context of the incarnation of Christ on earth.
In Connection with Questions of Reincarnation: An Aspect of the Spiritual Guidance of Man
These talks reveal a particular aspect of how humankind have been guided spiritually throughout history—by the life forces and astral bodies of the great initiates and avatars that were preserved, duplicated, and interwoven with the leading personalities of history. Steiner gives numerous examples of this process, but he says that such inspired people are rare today. Nevertheless, we have the possibility of elevating ourselves in the future to the point where we can receive into ourselves the "I-being" of the Christ, which is indeed our greatest goal—"not I but Christ in me."
In a previously-unavailable series of talks to the general public, Rudolf Steiner builds systematically, lecture by lecture, on the fundamentals of spiritual science – from the nature of spiritual knowledge and its relationship to conventional science, the path of personal development and the task of metaphysical research, to specific questions on the mystery of death, the meaning of fairy-tales, the significance of morality and the roles of individual figures in human evolution, such as Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael and Jacob Boehme.
An Introduction
The work of Rudolf Steiner is unique in the way it combines esoteric teaching with practical suggestions for the development of social life. Indeed, Steiner is best known today for the application of his ideas in areas such as education, medicine and agriculture. But none of this could have developed without the coherent and profound body of spiritual knowledge which stands at the very core of Steiner's work.
An Introduction
Audio Book, complete and unabridged version
(7 CD set) read by Peter BridgmontThe work of Rudolf Steiner is unique in the way it combines esoteric teaching with practical suggestions for the development of social life. Indeed, Steiner is best known today for the application of his ideas in areas such as education, medicine and agriculture. But none of this could have developed without the coherent and profound body of spiritual knowledge which stands at the very core of Steiner's work.
The Unity of Art, Science & Religion. The Theosophical Congress of Whitsun 1907
The Congress of the Federation of the European Sections of the Theosophical Society was held in Munich at Whitsun 1907 and marked the emergence of Anthroposophy from Theosophy. Rudolf Steiner surprised some participants and dismayed others when he introduced the Rosicrucian path - a path of thinking and the unification of art, science, and religion into the greater theosophical tradition.
Lectures and Addresses in England and Wales
As demonstrated by the contents of this book, Rudolf Steiner was able to speak to the British in a very direct and lively way. He did not need to give a long introductory build-up to his main theme, as was expected of him in Germany for instance, but could refer immediately to esoteric ideas.
and the Mystery of the Human Double
In the age of the internet and the proliferation of 'conspiracy theories', the idea that secret groups are seeking to gain control over humanity is no longer uncommon. This was not the case in 1917, however, when Rudolf Steiner spoke on this theme in these extraordinary lectures. His unique contribution to this controversial topic is no abstract theory, but arose from his specific research methodology involving the use of advanced forms of perception and cognition.
Christian Rosenkreutz and Rosicrucianism
Edited & introduced by C. Bamford.
During the early seventeenth century, Europe was suddenly embroiled in controversy with the publication of the first Rosicrucian texts. Ever since then, Rosicrucianism has stood at the center of Western Christian esotericism. Forced underground by the Thirty Years War, it was passed down secretly by alchemists, hermeticists, and Masons into the nineteenth century, when it inspired new spiritual movements, including Theosophy, the Order of Golden Dawn, and Rudolf Steiner's spiritual science.
Contains the first reference to eurythmy and deals with the fourth mystery play 'The Soul's Awakening'.
Ethical and Spiritual Dimensions of the Crisis in the Anthroposophical Society in Dornach, 1915
7 lectures, Dornach, September 10–16, 1915
“These lectures and documents from the summer and fall of 1915 were a response to a crisis in the Anthroposophical Society, a crisis Rudolf Steiner wanted the membership to be aware of. In part, the crisis was provoked by Alice Sprengel, a long-time student of Rudolf Steiner, and her reaction to the marriage of her spiritual teacher to Marie von Sivers. Her expectations, the exact nature of which is not quite clear, were connected to the important role she felt herself playing in the anthroposophical movement. Faced with the close working relationship and then the marriage of Rudolf Steiner and Marie von Sivers in the winter of 1914, Alice Sprengel not only sent personal letters to both but also brought her disappointment and sense of abandonment to the attention of other members of the Anthroposophical Society.”
“She also had a close relationship to Heinrich and Gertrud Goesch, a couple whose interest in Rudolf Steiner’s work was matched by an equally strong fascination with the then-emerging psychoanalytical school of Sigmund Freud. Influenced by Alice Sprengel and his own inner uncertainties, Heinrich Goesch accused Rudolf Steiner, both privately and publicly, of manipulating the membership of the Anthroposophical Society into a dependent status.” —Christopher Schaefer, PhD (from the introduction)SEXUALITY, LOVE AND PARTNERSHIP
From the Perspective of Spiritual Science
"Rudolf Steiner presents the human soul dilemma, split into male and female attributes... but offers a path of development which will eventually lead to overcoming these - what Jung called 'individuation', a merging with the true self or true ego of the human being." - from the Introduction
A Bridge to the Spirit
Introduction by Michael Lipson, Ph.D.
What are dreams? Every age, every culture, perhaps every person, have different answers. We can at least agree on one thing, however: dreams are other. Their presence in our lives demonstrate that we are not limited to a single mode of consciousness. The world of sleep is largely a blank for us, an abyss of non-consciousness, yawning between one day and the next, but the very fact that we can dream announces our potential for awareness within that abyss.
‘Let us be courageous and not draw back in fear when realities of the world of spirit that play into human life are unveiled. You see, the future of humanity depends on us learning to live with the world of spirit in the same way that we live with the physical world here on earth.’ – Rudolf Steiner
In the architecture of Rudolf Steiner's great cosmological temple, this extraordinary course of lectures on spiritual beings forms the central pillar with other important texts such as the fourth chapter of An Outline of Esoteric Science (CW 13); The Spiritual Hierarchies and the Physical World (CW 136); and Inner Experiences of Evolution (CW 132). These works - outlining a revolutionary angelological cosmology - are at the heart of Steiner's mission to transform our understanding of the world by laying down a new, non-dual, phenomenological path to a contemporary divine-spiritual-physical cosmology that is angelological and theophanic.
In this small, much-loved cycle of three lectures Rudolf Steiner indicates the sources for the recovery of a living morality for our time. He takes the example of St. Francis of Assisi. The spiritual world was connected with his coming. We see a warrior nature transformed into the expression of mercy, compassion, and love.
In these lectures, one of the few series which Steiner later edited for publication as a book, he describes the second, wiser self which guides us through life and which makes us truly human.
How to Continue your Relationship with Those who have Died
The idea of "working with the dead" - of maintaining and enhancing our relationships with those who have died - was a fundamental part of Rudolf Steiner's work. This volume reaps a rich harvest of his thoughts on this subject. Steiner speaks directly out of his own experience, formulating meditation practises and verses that really work.
Exoteric and Esoteric Christianity
These lectures were given in 1922, midway between World War I and Steiner's death in 1925. They will be of particular interest to anyone wanting to comprehend Rudolf Steiner's mature understanding of his mission: 'enchristing' the world.
Freemasonry and Related Occult Movements from the Contents of the Esoteric School
In these unique lectures, given to members of his Esoteric School (1904-14), Rudolf Steiner's main intention is to throw light on the hidden content of the picture-language of myths, sagas and legends. Pictures, he explains, are the real origin of all things - the primeval spiritual causes. In order to work in a healthy way with pictures or symbols today, however, it is necessary that one should first become acquainted with their esoteric content - to understand them.
Cultural Phenomena from the Point of View of Spiritual Science
What is truly real? Rudolf Steiner sheds light on everyday reality through spiritual knowledge, repeatedly urging us to bring anthroposophy into daily human existence. We might consciously experience the difference between consuming a potato as compared to cereals such as rye, for example – or we could grasp ordinary phenomena, such as sleepwalking, through an understanding of the threefold human being. Likewise, we might strive to comprehend how our head is the transformed organism of our previous life. Throughout, Steiner emphasizes that we can achieve spirituality on earth if only we make anthroposophy real.
Investigations into the Life of Nature and Man
“It is not the task of science to propound questions; its task is rather to observe them carefully as they are posed by human nature and the culture of a particular time, and to answer them.”
Culture and the Individual
Starting with a new look at the Christian festival of Pentecost, Steiner shows how the chaos of his time - and ours - can be transcended by the development of Imagination.
The Evolution of Individuality
Steiner describes the evolutionary task facing contemporary humanity as it prepares to enter the sixth epoch. In the past, human souls felt a strong connection with the group soul to which they belonged. Today, all 'group soul' characteristics - such as race and nation - must be discarded.
and Human Physicality – Bridging the Divide
The Search for the New Isis and the Divine Sophia
‘Our contemporaries – who wish to keep to a narrow-minded and superficial outlook, are annoyed to find that spiritual science continually seeks the whole picture – that it has to create a bridge between the body and the soul, and truly explores how the psyche becomes corporeal and the body becomes psychological.’
For a Cognition that Satisfies the Human Being
The Relationship Between Spiritual Science and Natural Science
‘As soon as you start thinking about the living sphere, you have to make the thought itself mobile. The thought must begin to gain inner mobility through your own power.’ – Rudolf Steiner
and the World of the Spirit
‘When we consider the plant world in all its greenery, or the stars with their golden glory; when we look at all this without forming any judgement from within ourselves but instead permit the things to reveal themselves to us... then all things are transformed from what they were in the world of the senses into something entirely different – something for which no word exists other than one which is taken from our very life of soul...’ – Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner Speaks to the Younger Generation
“All knowledge, even purely scholarly knowledge, must merge into pure artistry.” - Rudolf Steiner, February 14, 1923
Life's Unfolding from Conception through Death to Rebirth
Beredene Jocelyn
In this sequel to the bestselling 'Meditations on the Signs of the Zodiac', Beredene Jocelyn sheds valuable new light on the cosmic meaning of existence by charting life's passages in concert with planetary laws. With compassion, authority and a deep knowledge of spiritual science, the author explores in clear detail such subjects as life's year-by-year unfolding through the stages of child development and adult life, as well as thanatology (the science of death and dying) and the process of passing through the journey from death to rebirth.
Teaching Essays of Ernst Katz
Ernst Katz
Ernst Katz was one of the foremost teachers of anthroposophy in America during the second half of the twentieth century. He was professor of physics at the University of Michigan and, quite likely, the only professor in the country who taught courses in both natural science and 'spiritual' science at the university level. In the early 1960s, Dr Katz began writing his 'teaching essays', his response to the many questions through the years intended to help students comprehend the profound wisdom contained in the major works of anthroposophy. Core Anthroposophy makes these essays available, offering present and future students of anthroposophy with a valuable and accessible resource for better understanding the esoteric teachings of Rudolf Steiner.
Rudolf Steiner, the Fifth Gospel, and the Time of Extremes
Peter Selg
"We must become selfless - that is the task of culture today for the future. Human beings must become more and more selfless. Therein lies the future of right moral life actions, the future of all acts of love that can occur through earthly humanity." - Rudolf Steiner (Approaching the Mystery of Golgotha)
Introductions to Essential Works
Christopher Bamford
“The deep aim, or intention, of an introduction (understood esoterically) is a ‘living understanding,’ or, as the poet William Blake put it, the ability ‘to catch the bird in flight and fly with it.’ If successful, this makes it possible for any reader to hear or translate, into his or her own understanding, what Rudolf Steiner is offering, within and beyond his words, in these texts of The Collected Works.” —Christopher Bamford
Esoteric Lessons of the First Class
Peter Selg
“We, the people of the fifth post-Atlantean period...we have to resolve, to the greatest extent possible and in a way that is filled with the power of life, the problem that one can call the problem of evil. I ask you to think about this in some depth. The fact that evil, which will approach the human being of the fifth post-Atlantean period in every possible form and will do this in such a way that the human being will have to resolve the very nature and being of evil scientifically, will have to come to grips, in all his or her loving and hating, with everything that stems from evil, and battle and wrestle with evil’s resistance to impulses of the will; all this belongs to the task of the fifth post-Atlantean period.” — Rudolf Steiner, Goethe’s Faust in the Light of Anthroposophy, p. 85)
Valentin Tomberg
The focus of this book is the spiritual work in the "school"—the community—of Michael. What does this mean? At the end of the eighteenth century, the Archangel Michael revealed the new mystery that has manifested on Earth as spiritual science, or anthroposophy. Its essence involves the renewal of our knowledge of the mysteries of karma and human destiny. Those who are drawn to this school have a special relationship to the human faculty of thinking—their inner feeling for truth has the strength of iron. This feeling for truth helps them to become companions of Michael at the threshold of the spiritual world.
Exploring the Mysteries of Nature, Subnature, and Supranature
Various Authors
Throughout human history, ancient wisdom and traditional myths have placed human beings between the heavens and the underworld, describing the heavens as the light-filled realm of the gods and the source of goodness, and characterizing the underworld as a demon-filled realm of darkness and the source of evil. Modern science, however, denies the heavens and knows little of the Earth's interior - even physically - beyond the first few miles, after which it simply resorts to conjecture based on the extrapolation of existing sensory data. In other words, natural science fails to take into account that the Earth is a living, spiritual being and ignores the presence of its soul-spiritual qualities and influences.
Manichaeism, Anthroposophy, and their Meeting in the Future
Christine Gruwez
“The profound thought that lies in this is that the kingdom of darkness has to be overcome by the kingdom of light, not by means of punishment, but through mildness; not by resisting evil, but by uniting with it in order to redeem evil as such. Because a part of the light enters into evil, the evil itself is overcome.” —Rudolf Steiner (The Temple Legend, Nov. 11, 1904)
John Jocelyn
This esoteric classic contains meditations on each of the twelve signs of the zodiac. John Jocelyn uses traditional astrological symbolism to envision a Christ-centered zodiac - one in which each of the signs relate to an aspect of the New Testament. This is not a book about astrology, but about the deeper meaning of the twelve signs of the Zodiac. The author relates the Zodiac signs to the development of inner Christ consciousness and encourages readers to meet their individual destinies more consciously and courageously and even with gratitude.
And the School of Spiritual Science
Peter Selg
When Rudolf Steiner embarked on the esoteric lessons of the First Class in the newly founded Esoteric School at the Goetheanum, he suggested that the School for Spiritual Science as an esoteric institution had, in the years preceding the Christmas Foundation Meeting of 1923, become estranged from its intrinsic task. This volume closely investigates those matters—to which Steiner referred only briefly—tracing the development of Rudolf Steiner’s idea of the School in relation to the Michael community, which he first discussed at length in his lectures on karma, given in parallel to the First Class lessons.
Peter Selg
"Only in our time has it become possible once again to unlock the sources of Rosicrucian wisdom and allow them to flow into the whole of culture"¦ Christian Rosenkreutz has always lived among us and he is with us today too as the guide of spiritual life....
Truthfulness, Continuity, New Form
Hella Wiesberger
These accounts by Hella Wiesberger (1920–2014) offer an overview of the nature, background, and history of Rudolf Steiner's esoteric teaching activity. This book is the result of her lifelong study of this aspect of Steiner’s work, including documents she oversaw as an editor of Rudolf Steiner’s Collected Works. Wiesberger’s collegial relationships with certain esoteric students also helped her illumine some of Steiner’s less accessible documents.
Spiritual Science and the Logic of the Heart
Bernard Nesfield-Cookson
Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Anthroposophy, is a pivotal figure in contemporary esoteric thought. Through his books and lectures he provided an impetus for the spiritual renewal of many human activities, including education (Steiner Waldorf schools), agriculture, medicine, economics, the arts and religion.
Karsten Massei
Is the world around us alive or is it dead? If the widely held belief were true—that matter is the basis of all we know as reality—then life would make no sense. The world would essentially be dead—an absurd notion! What we know as life would be an unexplainable phenomenon, an astounding but accidental miracle. Does this sound familiar? In the undeniable presence of life, this belief can never truly make sense. It demands faith. Thus materialism is superstition. If we dare to entertain the notion—albeit akin to a modern heresy—that life (being), not matter, is the foundation of what we know as reality, then both matter and life make perfect sense.
A Life Seen through the Oracle of the Solar Cross
David Tresemer
Robert Schiappacasse
From the book:
"We are each meant to discover the connection from our individual soul to spiritual realities not encompassed by the normal senses, requiring supersensible perception. Images can offer powerful assistance.... However, we have forgotten about our own imagination, the creation of our own images. What was meant to be a balance between self-created imaginations and the enjoyment of others' imaginations has become seriously lopsided.... We have become gluttons, even if unwilling gluttons, of images. The energetic body becomes fat while the soul starves. We are meant to feed the soul with our own realizations of its gifts. The personality and the soul feed each other, constantly."A STUDY COMPANION TO AN OUTLINE OF ESOTERIC SCIENCE
Clopper Almon
The author takes the reader step by step through one of Rudolf Steiner's most difficult texts. Almon's commentary is keyed by paragraph number to the text of An Outline of Esoteric Science. This study companion has four elements: themes or brief summaries of the main points of the text; review questions; discussion questions; and Almon's observations on the text.
A Guide to Rudolf Steiner's
Carl Unger
"After Rudolf Steiner had left us in the body, the gifts of the spirit that were offered by him in such overflowing measure could not continue. It must now happen that a community of human beings takes over the results of his spiritual research, takes them in such a way that they remain alive in the community. People must come together in anthroposophic work, united in such a way that Anthroposophy comes into its own." - Carl Unger (lecture in Stuttgart, Oct. 29, 1928)
Emil Bock
The Mary-Sophia mystery in human history, and the meaning of the feminine element in the evolution of consciousness.
The Rosicrucian Nature of Goethe's Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily and the Mystery Dramas of Rudolf Steiner
Paul M. Allen
Joan deRis Allen
The authors begin by placing the fairytale against the background of Goethe's life and cultural setting. They then discuss its importance in the development of Steiner's spiritual science. Finally, they describe its visual language, profound mystical insights, and relevance for us today.
Explorations of the Spirit in Education
John Gardner
In this collection of essays John Fentress Gardner illuminates many challenging aspects of modern life that concern him-and concern most of us, as well. From poverty and environmental degradation to sexuality, parental discipline, and the pressures of modern life; from the further paths of knowledge to war and peace-he reveals how all these faces of life speak, and he points clearly to what they themselves ask for. In this sense, he looks directly to the future, not as a prophet, or even guide, but as one filled with wonder and hope.