The Year Participated
In listening to the changing language of the year, said Rudolf Steiner, we can rediscover our individual nature. These meditative verses, one for each week of the year, help to awaken a feeling of unity with nature while simultaneously stimulating a discovery of the self. Through intensive work, Steiner's unique meditations can lead to a feeling of oneness with the world.
Facsimile edition of the original book containing the calendar created by Rudolf Steiner for the year 1912–1913
“You will find meditative verses for the individual weeks of the year. You should take these meditations quite particularly into your hearts, for they contain what can make the soul alive and what really corresponds to a living relationship of the soul forces to the forces of the macrocosm.” Rudolf Steiner
“You will find meditative verses for the individual weeks of the year. You should take these meditations quite particularly into your hearts, for they contain what can make the soul alive and what really corresponds to a living relationship of the soul forces to the forces of the macrocosm.” — Rudolf Steiner
The Foundation Stone Meditation holds a central place in the inner life of many students of Rudolf Steiner's work. First presented during the refounding of the Anthroposophical Society at the Christmas Conference of 1923/24, it is a powerful and penetrating meditative text which many consider to be a key to the spiritual mysteries of our time.
for Times of Day and Seasons of the Year
Breathing the Spirit
As a spiritual teacher, Rudolf Steiner wrote many inspired and beautifully-crafted verses. Often they were given in relation to specific situations or in response to individual requests; sometimes they were offered simply to assist in the process of meditation. Regardless of their origins, they are uniformly powerful in their ability to connect the meditating individual with spiritual archetypes. Thus, the meditations provide valuable tools for developing experience and knowledge of subtle dimensions of reality.
for Courage and Tranquillity
The Heart of Peace
As a spiritual teacher, Rudolf Steiner wrote many inspired and beautifully-crafted verses. Often they were given in relation to specific situations or in response to individual requests; sometimes they were offered simply to assist in the process of meditation. Regardless of their origins, they are uniformly powerful in their ability to connect the meditating individual with spiritual archetypes. Thus, the meditations provide valuable tools for developing experience and knowledge of subtle dimensions of reality.
Finding The Greater Self
As a spiritual teacher, Rudolf Steiner wrote many inspired and beautifully-crafted verses. Often they were given in relation to specific situations or in response to individual requests; sometimes they were offered to assist generally in the process of meditation. Regardless of their origins, they are uniformly powerful in their ability to connect the meditating individual with spiritual archetypes. Thus, the meditations provide valuable tools for developing experience and knowledge of subtle dimensions of reality.
Connecting to those who have Died
As a spiritual teacher, Rudolf Steiner wrote many inspired and beautifully-crafted verses. Often they were given in relation to specific situations or in response to individual requests; sometimes they were offered to assist generally in the process of meditation. Regardless of their origins, they are uniformly powerful in their ability to connect the meditating individual with spiritual archetypes. Thus, the meditations provide valuable tools for developing experience and knowledge of subtle dimensions of reality.
Spiritual Perspectives
"Meditating is a totally free undertaking; it is the epitome of an autonomous deed." - Rudolf Steiner
This collection of special prayers is a wonderful companion for parents and carers seeking to help children on their journey through childhood. There are verses for every occasion: for the mother to speak as the incarnating soul prepares to be born; for the baby after its birth; for very young and older children; as well as prayers for morning and evening, and graces to be spoken at the table.
A Book of Soul and Spiritual Exercises
Start Now! is an inspiring guide to the practical aspects of anthroposophy. It offers the most extensive collection available of Steiner's spiritual instructions and practices, including meditation instructions; mantric verses; daily, weekly, and monthly practices for developing one's soul qualities; karmic exercises and meditations for working with the dead, with the angelic hierarchies, and with our guardian angels.
Featuring over 90 of Rudolf Steiner's best-loved verses and meditations, this volume collects a range of material on various themes, such as working with spiritual beings, connecting with loved ones who have passed over, developing selfhood, and celebrating festivals and seasons. Countless people have worked with these meditations over the decades and can testify to their power, as well as the strength and comfort they offer the meditant.
Rudolf Steiner's 'Calendar of the Soul' with accompanying reflections by Patsy Scala
When asked how one might find a way into Christianity, the Benedictine monk Brother David Steindl-Rast advised, "Meditate the sacred year". In the same vein, when asked what a lifetime's study of Anthroposophy had given him, the English philosopher Owen Barfield replied, "I now have some idea of the reality of the living year". For readers who like to chew meditatively on poetry, Weekly Meditations will put them firmly on the path to realising both of these great realities.
A Journey Through the 52 Weeks of the Year in Both Hemispheres for Children and for the Child in Each Human Being
Michael Hedley Burton
These verses, following the course of the year, were inspired by Rudolf Steiner's Calendar of the Soul. The book is arranged so that parents, teachers, eurythmists, and children can follow the course of the year in both hemispheres.
Transforming our lives for the encounter with Christ
Jorgen Smit
As levels of stress increase in modern life, many people are turning to the practise of meditation as a way of finding harmony, tranquility of soul, and of awakening dormant powers of spiritual potential.
Words of Wisdom
A selection of quotations by Rudolf Steiner
‘Truth is simple only for those who first wrestle their way through multiplicity. It is like a thread of many pearls.’ – Rudolf Steiner