As is common with the work of any great individual, translations of Rudolf Steiner's books (from the original German) are often updated and reworked. Here at Rudolf Steiner Press we sometimes receive compliments on new editions, but also sometimes we are asked about translations published in previous editions - i.e. translations which have become “favourite” versions, or simply judged by some to be better than the latest available. Therefore, we have taken the decision to reprint some of these “classic” translations of Steiner's main works, and will continue to do so if there is sufficient demand.
The Birth of the Biodynamic Method
When Rudolf Steiner gave these lectures 80 years ago, industrial farming was on the rise and organic methods were being replaced in the name of science, efficiency and technology. With the widespread alarm over the quality of food in recent years, and the growth of the organic movement and its mainstream acceptance, perceptions are changing. The qualitative aspect of food is once again on the agenda, and in this context Rudolf Steiner's only course of lectures on agriculture is critical to the current debate.
Anthroposophy as a Path of Knowledge
The Michael Mystery
'Anthroposophy is a path of knowledge, to guide the Spiritual in the human being to the Spiritual in the universe.' (From the first 'Leading Thought'.)
How is it Achieved?
Rudolf Steiner's fundamental handbook for spiritual and personal development has grown more modern as time has passed, although his methods remain clearly distinguishable from the many others now in circulation. For one thing, Steiner's path of spiritual growth is based on the clarity of thought normally associated with scientific research. Rather than denying clear thinking, his aim is to extend it beyond its present limitations. Secondly, Steiner recognizes - as all genuine disciplines always have - that the path to spiritual experience is an arduous and dangerous one, calling for self-control in thought, word and deed. Human beings comprise a unity, and we cannot develop knowledge without a corresponding development in feeling and will.
An Outline
An authorised translation of this classic work, re-edited, beautifully typeset and designed, from a professional publisher dedicated to high-quality editions of Rudolf Steiner’s books and lectures.
The Basis for a Modern World Conception
Are we free, whether we know it or not? Or is our sense of freedom merely an illusion? Rudolf Steiner tackles this age-old problem in a new way. He shows that by taking account of our own activity of thinking, we can know the reasons for our actions. And if these reasons are taken from our world of ideals, then our actions are free, because we alone determine them.
General Education Course
Although these lectures were given to teachers as preparatory material, they are by no means concerned only with education. Study of Man is Steiner's most succinct presentation of his human-centred spiritual psychology, accessible to anyone interested in the riddles of human existence. His approach is unique in that it takes account not only of influences working into humanity from the past, but also of future states of consciousness and being.
An introduction to the supersensible knowledge of the world and the destination of man
Given his energetic involvement in practical initiatives and extensive lecturing, Rudolf Steiner had little time to write books. Of those he did write - belonging almost entirely to the earlier years of his work - four titles form an indispensable introduction to his later teaching: Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, Occult Science, The Philosophy of Freedom and Theosophy.
Featuring over 90 of Rudolf Steiner's best-loved verses and meditations, this volume collects a range of material on various themes, such as working with spiritual beings, connecting with loved ones who have passed over, developing selfhood, and celebrating festivals and seasons. Countless people have worked with these meditations over the decades and can testify to their power, as well as the strength and comfort they offer the meditant.