Our main publishing programme is made up of the works of Rudolf Steiner. However, we have an introductory series called 'Bringing Spirit to Life', featuring contemporary authors writing on practical issues from the standpoint of anthroposophy. In addition, we publish some specialist research that furthers Rudolf Steiner's spiritual scientific work.
We do not publish fiction, children's books or poetry.
Having read the above, if you think your work might be relevant to us, please begin by submitting a précis of around 200 words together with a list of chapters and a sample chapter.
Submit by Email
Or post hard copy to:
The Editor,
Rudolf Steiner Press,
Hillside House,
The Square,
Forest Row, RH18 5ES,
United Kingdom.If sending by post, please include a stamped addressed return envelope.
Please do not send entire manuscripts. If manuscripts are requested at a later stage, they must be posted as hard copy.
Please be patient. Submissions may take up to three months to be considered properly.