The Birth of the Biodynamic Method
Audio Book, complete and unabridged version (10 CD set) read by Peter Bridgmont
When Rudolf Steiner gave these lectures 80 years ago, industrial farming was on the rise and organic methods were being replaced in the name of science, efficiency and technology. With the widespread alarm over the quality of food in recent years, and the growth of the organic movement and its mainstream acceptance, perceptions are changing. The qualitative aspect of food is once again on the agenda, and in this context Rudolf Steiner's only course of lectures on agriculture is critical to the current debate.
How is it Achieved?
Audio Book (CD box set), complete and unabridged
Read by Peter Bridgmont
Rudolf Steiner's fundamental handbook for spiritual and personal development has grown more modern as time has passed, although his methods remain clearly distinguishable from the many others now in circulation. Steiner's path of spiritual growth is based on the clarity of thought normally associated with scientific research. Rather than denying clear thinking, his aim is to extend it beyond its present limitations. Steiner recognizes - as all genuine disciplines always have - that the path to spiritual experience is an arduous and dangerous one, calling for self-control in thought, word and deed. Human beings comprise a unity, and we cannot develop knowledge without a corresponding development in feeling and will.
An Introduction
Audio Book, complete and unabridged version
(7 CD set) read by Peter BridgmontThe work of Rudolf Steiner is unique in the way it combines esoteric teaching with practical suggestions for the development of social life. Indeed, Steiner is best known today for the application of his ideas in areas such as education, medicine and agriculture. But none of this could have developed without the coherent and profound body of spiritual knowledge which stands at the very core of Steiner's work.