The Gospel of Compassion and Love Revealed
This lecture cycle presents the most accessible and illuminating of Steiner's revelations with regard to Christ, and his significance for humanity's spiritual development. He discusses the link between Buddha and the life of Christ, a description that unites Buddhism and Christianity, not in theory but in perceived spiritual deeds of these two figures.
The Gospel of Christ's Humanity
A new translation of Rudolf Steiner's The Gospel of St. Matthew
Each of the four Gospels presents a different aspect of the Christ-event and its significance in earthly and cosmic evolution. According to Rudolf Steiner's spiritual research, St. Matthew's Gospel is, above all, the human gospel. Going back to ancient Atlantis, Steiner speaks of the missions of the different peoples-Turanians, Iranians, and Hebrews-showing how they contributed to Christ's Incarnation. Steiner then turns to Zoroastrianism and follows the individuality of Zoroaster, whose pupils reincarnated as Hermes and Moses. Through them, Zoroaster's influence continued to evolve, while he, too, continued to incarnate, finally as the Jesus of the Matthew Gospel.
Lectures on the Book of Revelation
Initiation enables a person to see, understand and communicate what may be observed with spiritual eyes. St. John's text arises from such an initiation. It addresses the fundamental questions of existence that every human being asks: Where are we? Where have we come from? Where are we going? And because it arises from esoteric Christian vision, it emphasizes the task of the individual: What am I and what is my purpose now in this era of cosmic and human evolution.
In February of 1913 - a landmark year for Rudolf Steiner and Anthroposophy - the first General Meeting of the Anthroposophical Society was held. In September, the Foundation Stone for the Goetheanum was laid in Dornach. The ground for Anthroposophy as we know it today was established.
In Background to the Gospel of St. Mark, Steiner shows the relevance of this Gospel especially to our present age, the fifth post-Atlantean epoch. He describes how each of the four Gospels was written to the time and circumstances of successive cultural periods: the Matthew Gospel is most relevant to the age when Christ incarnated and enacted the Mystery of Golgotha, the fourth post-Atlantean epoch; Mark speaks to the fifth; Luke, the sixth; and the Gospel of St John addresses the consciousness of the seventh epoch.
‘Christianity was bound at first to be a matter of faith and is only now beginning, very gradually, to be a matter of knowledge.’ – Rudolf Steiner
The Esoteric Significance of the Bhagavad Gita and Its Relation to the Epistles of Paul
This combination of two volumes in Rudolf Steiner's Collected Works presents Steiner's profound engagement with Hindu thought and, above all, Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita. In the first course, 'The Bhagavad Gita and the Epistles of Paul', Steiner's main purpose is to integrate the flower of Hindu spirituality into his view of the evolution of consciousness and the pivotal role played in it by the Mystery of Golgotha - the incarnation, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Steiner views Krishna as a great spiritual teacher and the Bhagavad Gita as a preparation, though still abstract, for the coming of Christ. For him, the Bhagavad Gita represents the 'fully ripened fruit' of Hinduism, whereas Paul is related but represents 'the seed of something entirely new'.
and the Work of the Priest
18 Lectures
John's Book of Revelation - the Apocalypse - has been subjected to countless interpretations by theologians over the years, mostly based on theory and speculation. In contrast, Rudolf Steiner spoke from his own direct experience and knowledge of the spiritual truths contained in St John's mysterious pictures.
Human Life in a Cosmic Context
‘If one is unable to conceive of the Christ mystery as a true reality, one also cannot develop any ideas and concepts relating to the rest of world existence that are imbued with reality, which really penetrate to the truth’. – Rudolf Steiner
“Spiritual science does not want to replace Christianity; rather, it aims to be the instrument through which the meaning of Christianity can be grasped. And one thing that will become particularly clear through spiritual science is that the being whom we call Christ must be recognized as the center of life on earth, and that what we call the Christian faith is the ultimate religion, the eternal religion for the future of the earth.” — Rudolf Steiner (July 13, 1914)
and the Search for the Holy Grail
‘There is no way of approach to the Grail through words of any kind, or through philosophical speculations. The only way is by changing all these words into feeling, by becoming able to feel in the Grail the sum of all that is holy...’ - Rudolf Steiner (from lecture 6)
The Quest for the Holy Grail
Reassessing human history in relation to the cosmic-earthly events of Christ’s incarnation, Rudolf Steiner stresses the significance of both Gnostic spirituality and the legends of the Holy Grail. The ‘Christ-Impulse’, he tells us, is not a one-time event but a continuous process, beginning well before Jesus of Nazareth walked the earth. This mighty impulse is a force that gives impetus to human development, such as with the extraordinary blossoming of free thinking of the last two millennia. Surveying this pattern of evolving human thought, Steiner explains the roles of contrasting historical figures, for example the great teacher Zarathustra, Joan of Arc and Johannes Keplar. We are shown the widespread influence of the clairvoyant prophetesses, the sibyls, who formed a backdrop to the Greco-Roman world. Steiner contrasts their revelations to those of the Hebrew prophets.
and the Development of Ego-Consciousness
‘Christ will reappear but in a higher reality than the physical one – in a reality which we will only see if we have first acquired a sense and understanding of spiritual life. Inscribe in your hearts what anthroposophy should be: a preparation for the great epoch of humanity which lies ahead of us.’
The Language of Truth in the Gospels - Lucifer and Christ - Ancient Esoteric teachings and Rosicrucianism - Insights and life fruits gained in the science of the spirit. This previously untranslated volume presents notes from 31 lectures and 6 question-and-answer sessions on topics as diverse as The Lord's Prayer and precious stones and metals.
Rudolf Steiner affirms the reality of esoteric Christianity and unveils many of its secret teachings in this major collection.
And the Mysteries of Antiquity
During the fall and winter of 1901 - 1902, Steiner gave a series of lectures called "Christianity As Mystical Fact" to members of the Theosophical Society. The lectures were rewritten and issued as a book later that year. They mark a watershed in the development of Western esotericism. Stiener wrote of the idea behind his book:
‘The personality who received the Christ Being into himself in his thirtieth year is a complex entelechy. Only on the basis of the Akashic Record can an accurate view be gained as to why the life of Jesus is so diversely presented in the various Gospels...’ – Rudolf Steiner
in the Light of the Gospel of St Matthew
The four aspects of Christ as revealed in the Gospels, and particularly that of Matthew.
and the Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz
In addition to the outer manifestation of Christianity as we know it from history, there exists a second, hidden stream of Christian thought and development, sometimes referred to as 'esoteric Christianity' or 'Rosicrucian Christianity'. Displaying an intimate knowledge of his subject, Rudolf Steiner throws light on this once secret, spiritual movement. But rather than relying on historical tradition or teaching, he presents wisdom and insight directly from the original metaphysical sources of esoteric Christianity.
From the Akashic Record
From his clairvoyant reading of the supersensible Akashic Record - the cosmic memory of all events, actions and thoughts - Rudolf Steiner was able to speak of aspects of the life of Jesus Christ which are not contained in the four biblical Gospels. Such research, in that it is not based on historical records or extant documents, can be spoken of as a 'Fifth Gospel'.
Preparing the Ground for The Christian Community
The lectures and discussions presented here make up the first of the so-called five Priest Courses. They record the first steps of the remarkable journey taken in 1921 by a small group of dedicated souls who, out of their own inner needs and guided by Rudolf Steiner, sought a path to Christian religious renewal.
Once experienced intuitively by early gnostic thinkers, knowledge of the cosmic significance of Christ and his mission has faded over the centuries. As theologians and historians of the Church critically scrutinized the Gospel records, their focus shifted from Christ to the human figure of Jesus of Nazareth.
Knowledge of the cosmic significance of Christ and his mission, once experienced intuitively, has faded over the centuries. As theologians and historians of the Church critically scrutinized the Gospel records, their focus shifted from a gnostic vision of Christ to the human figure of ‘the simple man’, Jesus of Nazareth.
Secrets of Creation
How was the world created? Battle lines are currently drawn between two dogmatic camps: the fundamentalist 'Creationists' who believe that creation took place in six days, and the scientific reductionists who expound theories of 'big bangs' and so on. From a direct spiritual perception of the facts, Rudolf Steiner presents a new perspective which transcends these bipolar arguments. He affirms that clairvoyant research accords with the biblical descriptions, but he emphasizes that the text of Genesis has to be interpreted in a special way.
“It was Steiner’s intention in these lectures to establish the ways in which this Gospel and its author, Lazarus-John, the one Christ called the beloved disciple, provided one of the surest paths to an understanding of the profound relationship of Christ to each human person and to Earth.... He leads his audience, and us readers, to an understanding of Lazarus-John unknown even to the other three primary evangelists—Matthew, Mark, and Luke—who wrote their Gospels several decades before Lazarus-John.” — Robert McDermott (from the introduction)
The Gospel of St Mark reveals Christ as a cosmic spirit, giving us a sense of His greatness and power.
The Gospel of St Mark reveals Christ as a cosmic spirit, giving us a sense of His greatness and power.
Steiner teaches that the incarnation, death, and resurrection of the Divine Word, or Logos, reveals the mission of the Earth: Love. We learn of the mysteries behind Lazarus' resurrection, the 'I AM' sayings, and the seven degrees of initiation. We come to understand that the Gospel of St. John is a continuing spiritual presence - to be recalled, meditated, and permeated with one's own life.
Steiner offers his profound insights into the essential truths behind the Christ event. He shows that the ancient mysteries of the East, the Persians, the Egyptians, the Greeks, and the streams behind those impulses - going back to Atlantis and Lemuria - all lead to the event of Christ's incarnation and the Mystery of Golgotha, through which the Earth became the body of Christ.
The Threefold Shadow-Existence of Our Time and the New Light of Christ
“This is the goal toward which mankind strives through the new wisdom, in the new spirit: To find in the spirit itself the power to overcome egotism and the falseness of life, to overcome self-seeking through love, the sham of life through truth, illness through health-giving thoughts that put us into immediate accord with the harmonies of the universe, because they flow from the harmonies of the harmonies of the universe.” Rudolf Steiner
"Once one has passed through powerlessness and refinds oneself, one also finds Christ. Before we can gain access to the Christ Impulse we must plumb the depths of our own feelings of insignificance, and this can only happen when we view our strengths and capacities without any pride."
An Esoteric Study
The Lord's Prayer stands at the heart of Christianity. Over the past two millennia it has been spoken millions of times by millions of people around the world. Rudolf Steiner affirms the power of this prayer, given by Jesus Christ himself, and encourages us to begin to understand it at deeper levels. Such an understanding, he explains, is now necessary for humanity's further development.
The Pivotal Nature of the Christ Event in Earth Evolution
‘What would we be without love? We would inevitably become isolated and gradually lose all connection with our fellow human beings and our fellow creatures in the natural world.’ – Rudolf Steiner
Mission of the Spirit (CW 214)
8 lectures in Dornach, Oxford, and London, July and August 1922 (CW 214) Revised and Updated 2nd Edition.
And the Christ Experience of the Twentieth Century
The time is now ripe for the awakening of new forces of spiritual perception with which humanity will perceive the working of Christ in the etheric world.
A Christmas Offering
The first chapter of the Acts of the Apostles describes Christ's Ascension: "and a cloud received him out of their sight". As the disciples were looking up, two angels appeared and told them that "this same Jesus, taken up from you into heaven shall come again in same way as you have seen him go".
A Collection of Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ
Intro. by Stephen E. Usher
The first chapter of the Acts of the Apostles describes Christ’s Ascension: “and a cloud received him out of their sight.” As the disciples were looking up, two angels appeared and said, “the same Jesus, taken up from you into heaven, shall come again in the same way as you have seen him go.”
"The being whom we call Christ once walked the earth in flesh and blood at the beginning of our era. He will never again return in a physical body, for that was a unique event and will not be repeated. But He will come again in an etheric form in the period I have mentioned. People will learn to perceive Christ by virtue of growing towards him through this etheric perception."
Experiencing the Supersensible
Replete with fresh immediacy, rich spiritual content, innovation and occasional humour, these talks were given at a time when Rudolf Steiner was preparing for independence from the Theosophical Society. Alongside the much-loved lectures ‘Nervousness and Ego Development’ – in which Steiner shares practical exercises for coping with contemporary life’s challenges – and ‘Love and Its Significance in the World’, the collection finds a focal point in descriptions of the ‘Three Soul Paths to Christ’. The first of these is via the Gospels, the second through ‘Inner Experience’ and the third ‘Initiation’, which Steiner characterizes as a path transcending religion. He further elaborates these themes in a lecture entitled, ‘Mysteries of the Kingdoms of Heaven in Parables and in Real Form’.
And The Birth Of Jesus
‘Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, saying: “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the East, and have come to worship him.”’
Theosophy and Rosicrucianism – The Gospel of John
‘All existence is spirit. Just as ice is water, so matter is also spirit. Mineral, vegetable, animal or human – all are a condensed form of spirit.’ – Rudolf Steiner
Through the Christ Impulse
Fundamentally, all of spiritual science ultimately aims to understand human beings in their essence, in their tasks and endeavours – in their necessary endeavours in the course of development.’ – Rudolf Steiner
Anthroposophic Meditations on the Old Testament, New Testament and Apocalypse
Valentin Tomberg
In these astounding meditations on the true Christian nature of the scriptures, Tomberg shows how the central story of entire Bible is really a history of the Christ being. He describes the cosmic and earthly preparations for the Mystery of Golgotha, its significance and results for humanity and the world as a whole, and the central role of the Sophia being and her relationship to the Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Disciples and Pentecost, and all of humanity. He also imagines the Grail nature of the Christ's involvement in earthly history.
The Destiny of an Inner Community
Peter Selg
Rudolf Steiner has said that we must learn to live with the etheric Christ in the Earth's aura in the same way that the disciples once lived with Christ Jesus on the physical plane. To do this, it is essential to understand what took place between Christ and his disciples. In numerous lecture cycles, Rudolf Steiner spoke about the inner community of the disciples, opening up perspectives that help us see how the disciples accompanied Christ Jesus during the three years of his earthly life and after the Resurrection. Especially in his lectures on the Fifth Gospel, Steiner shed light on the community of the disciples from the viewpoint of the processes of human consciousness that were intimately involved in the events at the beginning of the new era and were inscribed in the chronicle of evolution, the akashic record.
The Star of the Magi and the Life of Christ
Robert Powell
Who were the three wise men and what was 'the Star of the Magi' that led them to Bethlehem? Using the dialogue form, Christian Hermetic Astrology explores these questions and the basis for the inauguration of 'Star Wisdom'. Set in the Temple of the Sun, where Hermes, the Egyptian sage, gathers with his three pupils, Tat, Asclepius, and King Ammon, these discourses focus upon the path of Christ, culminating in the Mystery of Golgotha.
The Life & Ministry of Jesus Christ: Foundations of a Cosmic Christianity
Robert Powell
A day-to-day chronology of Jesus' days on earth, using insights from Rudolf Steiner, Anne Catherine Emmerich, and sidereal astrology.
Willi Sucher
The movements and 'gestures' of the classical planets during the three years of the incarnation of Christ are closely related to His deeds during that time. The author then shows how these healing deeds continued to work in human evolution.
An Outline of Occult Science · The First Goetheanum · The Fifth Gospel · The Christmas Conference
Sergei O. Prokofieff
Peter Selg
Sergei O. Prokofieff and Peter Selg, two leading authorities and spiritual researchers into the life and work of Rudolf Steiner, gave a series of conferences from 2009 to 2010 on the Christological foundations of Anthroposophy. Their aim was to show the power of anthroposophic Christology. Thus, they focused on key turning points in Steiner's exposition - his major work, An Outline of Esoteric Science; the first Goetheanum; the reappearance of Christ in the etheric realm and its relationship to Rudolf Steiner's lectures on the Fifth Gospel; and the Christmas Conference of 1923/1924 and the founding of the New Mysteries.
Edward Reaugh Smith
If ultimately there is only one reality, then neither religion nor science can be fulfilled until they come together on a higher plane.
Unveiling the Author of John's Gospel
Edward Reaugh Smith
This book on the identity of John, 'the beloved disciple', speaks of Christian initiation in a modern way. The author masterfully supplies us with a range of collateral materials that illuminate the larger picture and solve the mystery. New Testament scholars as well as those concerned in any way with the future of Christianity will benefit from this jargon-free book.
Realities from the Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
Charles S. Tidball
On the one hand, New Testament scholarship has been preoccupied with a search for the "historical Jesus". On the other, twists and turns occurring after the first century brought about "an enforced orthodoxy" that views modern visionaries as heretics. The inconclusive nature of theology pits those who are reluctant to support the miraculous against the witness of the original oral tradition. One result of the confusion over the New Testament record is that contemporary fiction such as The Da Vinci Code has emerged to fill the void. It has been so popular because there is hunger for a better understanding of those events. The author of this book aims to fill the gap.
Edward Reaugh Smith
A lifetime of studying and teaching the Bible eventually led Edward R. Smith to the work of Rudolf Steiner. With characteristic intensity and skilled research techniques, Smith brought the insights he discovered in anthroposophy to the heart of mainstream Christianity. This book focuses on the Nativity and the amazing events that offer a way to understand the significance of the Bible as the story of human development from the far distant past into the far distant future. See also The Burning Bush, the first volume of his anthroposophical commentary on the Bible.
History – Interpretation – Background
Michael Schubert
“It is a well-known fact that The Isenheim Altarpiece has in the past been seen as having central significance as a ‘medium for healing’ by the Antonites. To what extent this function has taken hold again in our ‘modern’ times can be seen not only in the steadily growing numbers of visitors, but also in the fact that this book had to be republished after such a short time.” —Michael Schubert (preface to 2nd ed.)
Unveiling Three Christian Mysteries
Charles S. Tidball with Robert Powell
Foreword C. Bamford
At the heart of the mystery of Christianity, we encounter the divinity of Jesus. Viewing the former in the light of the latter, the authors unravel three key riddles: the nature of Jesus, the identity of Lazarus and the meaning of his initiatory 'raising from the dead', and the Messianic mystery of the incarnation of the Christ. In the process, much is learned of the actual dating of the Gospel events, as well the repercussions of these events in history.
Edited by Fred Paddock and Mado Speigler
Librarian Fred Paddock of the Rudolf Steiner Library initiated this book, because he had long felt the need to make available some of the cutting edge writings of European anthroposophists. Judaism and Anthroposophy examines the relationship between anthroposophy and religion, between Christian and Jewish esotericism, and between Kabbalah and anthroposophy. It also focuses on Jewish lives in anthroposophy, including those of Martin Buber, Hugo Bergman, Shimon Levy, and Ernst Müller. Also, three leading anthroposophic thinkers explore the question of anti-Semitism.
Kwan-Yuk Claire Sit
"This book opens the door to Eastern religious and cultural practices in an attempt to shed light on the teachings implicit in The Lord's Prayer. It uses simple analogies and inspiring anecdotes to unveil seemingly subtle and obscure Eastern concepts. It paves a path for Self-realization along the trail of The Lord's Prayer, merging the precious teachings of Eastern and Western masters from the Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Mother Teresa, The Dalai Lama, and others. It is written for people who seek inspiration to enrich their lives, who desire greater mastery of Eastern philosophy, and who value information on practical spirituality." (from the preface)
K. F. Althoff
Paul Marshall Allen
In 1949, Paul Marshall Allen embarked, along with Rudolf Frieling, on an intense, in-depth study of the Gospel of John. Their work involved meditative contemplation, verse-by-verse, and working closely with the original Greek Gospel. This book comprises the notes that Paul wrote down from that study.
A Cosmic Perspective
Edward Reaugh Smith
With this major work, Edward Reaugh Smith concludes his singular series on the Bible and Anthroposophy. Understanding the Book of Revelation presents the ultimate challenge to those who wish to penetrate its deepest meaning—a spiritual mountain whose summit has remained beyond reach to most people. Paradoxically, in spite of its name, Revelation is the most veiled and mysterious book in the Bible.
Alfred Heidenreich
Delivered more than 60 years ago, the lectures in this booklet demonstrate Alfred Heidenreich’s gift for kindling understanding of the essence of Christianity and the nature and being of Christ. Guided by spiritual science or anthroposophy, as founded by Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), Heidenreich presents an imaginative and insightful reading of the meaning of Christ’s ‘resurrection body’, addressing the significance of ‘original sin’ and ‘the Fall’, and how they relate to this metaphysical body.
Insights into a New Understanding of the Christ Mystery
Peter Selg
Rudolf Steiner received The Fifth Gospel - unrecorded events from the so-called lost years of the life of Jesus, obtained by grace and by spiritual research into the akashic record - as a "sacred obligation" to which he experienced a deep sense of responsibility. However, he never finished the project of unveiling it. Had he done so, not only Anthroposophy but also Christianity would have received an enormous spiritual gift: a concrete, soul-filled description of the Mystery of Golgotha. His deeply moving and often startling lectures in 1913 are thus fragmentary; giving the near-tragic impression that, because those who heard or read them did not take them up with sufficient seriousness and inner dedication, humanity has suffered an inestimable loss.
D. von Asten
Anthroposophic Christology on the Eve of World War I
Peter Selg
“Humanity must embark upon a conscious grasp of today’s events. For this reason, we must come to know Christ better, and this is connected with insight into the nature of the human being, Jesus of Nazareth.”—Rudolf Steiner
A Spiritual-Scientific Study
Ernst Katz
After some three millennia, why write anything further on the Ten Commandments? They have been discussed, parsed, codified, moralized, and much more. In this book, Ernst Katz discusses the Ten Commandments in terms of the evolution of human consciousness, suggesting that we need to view this ancient moral guide in whole new ways.
How Lazarus Became the Evangelist John
Edward Reaugh Smith
"A bold undertaking! Smith aims at a broad synthesis of the teachings of the early twentieth-century esoteric philosopher Rudolf Steiner with the ancient mysteries, certain religio-philosophical texts in the Nag Hammadi Library, pre-Constantinian esoteric Christianity, and the Secret Gospel of Mark.... The brief excerpts from the Secret Gospel, quoted in the Letter of Clement to Theodore, fit well the esoteric fabric out of which Christianity emerged in its earliest days. In his excellent legal analysis of the failed 'proofs' offered by Stephen Carlson and Peter Jeffery that the Secret Gospel is a modern forgery, Smith reveals his thorough grasp of the literature and a keen sense of what should qualify as proof. A provocative study!" - Charles W. Hedrick, Missouri State University