'Selected Lectures' series
Religious and spiritual writings have always made reference to beings from the spiritual hierarchies, especially those known in Christian tradition as Angels. These spirits are the closest to human beings and act as our invisible guides and companions. They influence the life of the individual as well as the evolution of humanity and the cosmos.
His Mission and Ours
Edited and introduced by Christopher Bamford
"The Michael age has dawned. Hearts begin to have thoughts. Enthusiasm no longer flows from mystical obscurity, but from the inner clarity that thought conveys. To grasp this is to receive Michael into one's soul. Thoughts that today seek to grasp the spirit must spring from hearts that beat for Michael as the fiery cosmic prince of thought." Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner's Challenge to the Younger Generation
'The younger generation is always faced with the dilemma of being heir to the old while about to become a guide for the new.... This cycle of lectures "to the younger generation" speaks of a pathway to a Michaelic harvest for ears that have the goodwill to hear.' - Carlo Pietzner
The Spiritual Background to the Outer World: Spiritual Beings and their Effects, Vol. 1
Speaking towards the end of the catastrophic Great War, Rudolf Steiner reveals the spiritual roots of the crises of our times. Since 1879, he says, human minds have been influenced by backward angels, ‘spirits of darkness’, who – following their defeat in battle with Archangel Michael – were forced out of the heavens and ‘fell’ to the earth. This war in the spiritual worlds had consequences, and it is essential that people today are sufficiently awake to the retrogressive influences around them. In a positive sense, we can choose freely to engage with the spirits of light, who seek to emancipate human beings from bonds of race, nation and blood.
and their Influence on Humanity
‘We learn gradually to raise our eyes not only to material existence; instead we discover spiritual entities and their actions wherever we look in the universe... We get to know the deeds of these spirits. We are alive and active and we are within the spiritual entities and their activities.’ – Rudolf Steiner
The Spiritual Dimensions of Ageing
‘And that is one thing we need to relearn, that all of life brings its gifts – not only the first two or three decades.’ – Rudolf Steiner
Connecting with our Spiritual Guides and Helpers
Throughout the ages, traditional folklore has spoken of guardian angels as spirits who guide and protect human beings. In modern times, however, their existence has largely been written off as myth and superstition.
The Embodiment of Evil on Earth
While we know of Ahriman from Persian mythology, Rudolf Steiner spoke of him as an actual, living spiritual entity. This being, he said, works to embed people firmly into physicality, encouraging dull, materialistic attitudes and a philistine, dry intellect. In these extraordinary lectures Steiner, in rare prophetic mode, talks about an actual incarnation of Ahriman on the earth and the potential consequences. Just as Christ incarnated in a physical body, so would Ahriman incarnate in the Western world - before 'a part' of the third millennium had passed.
Human Responsibility for the Earth
In these lectures, Steiner focuses on the vital task of developing the proper orientation toward a free spiritual life. With great compassion and understanding, he offers telling examples of how humanity must walk a conscious middle way between the two tempting powers of Lucifer and Ahriman. He describes the incarnation of Lucifer in the third millennium before the Christ event, out of which flowed not just the wisdom of paganism, but also the conscious intellect we enjoy today. Ahriman, on the other hand, is shown approaching human beings through such phenomena as materialism, nationalism, and literalism, all in preparation for his incarnation in the third millennium.
Her Mission and Ours
Compiled with an introduction, commentary and notes by Christopher Bamford
The rebirth of the feminine surrounds us in many forms, from the global movement for women's rights to a renewed interest in feminine spirituality, the Goddess, and the Divine Mother. What is the spiritual meaning of this rebirth? What is the feminine divine? Who is she?
Revealing the Essential Secrets of Human Nature
‘...This will generate a struggle covering the face of the whole earth. The one and only remedy for this nonsense being made of human evolution will be the path that can lead humanity to the spirit – the path of Michael, which finds its continuation in the path of Christ.’ – Rudolf Steiner
in relation to Teutonic Mythology
'If we wish to understand the inner life of an individual we must study the soul as well as the body, and if we desire to gain real insight into national characteristics we must explore the psychic and spiritual element underlying them. This psychic and spiritual element, however, reflects not merely the activity of individual human souls working in concert, but has its origin in a higher order... Either one must seek a basis for the psychology of peoples in a spiritual reality or one must abandon such a psychology in total.' - Rudolf Steiner (from the Preface)
Their Activity in our Visible World
‘Suppose you have seen an event, have formed an idea about it, and you say something that is not true – in other words, something that is a lie. Then what flows from the object is correct and what flows from you is false and this collision is a terrible explosion; and each time you do this, you attach a gruesome being to your karma which you cannot get rid of again until you have made good what you lied about.’ – Rudolf Steiner
Selected Lectures
Based on knowledge attained through his highly-trained clairvoyance, Rudolf Steiner contends that folk traditions regarding nature spirits are based on spiritual reality. He describes how people possessed a natural spiritual vision in ancient times, enabling them to commune with nature spirits. These entities - which are also referred to as elemental beings - became immortalised as fairies and gnomes in myth, legend and children's stories.
Zodiac, Planets and Cosmos
The Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner
In these remarkable lectures, Rudolf Steiner re-establishes the human being as a participant in an evolving, dynamic universe of living spiritual beings: a living universe, whole and divine. He does so in concrete images, capable of being grasped by human consciousness as if from within.
Since the end of the nineteenth century the spiritual evolution of humanity has led toward a more mobile living thinking in which the abstract and fixed relation of consciousness to language is dissolved. Language becomes more gesture-like in character as consciousness is filled with colour and image.
'A great deal is happening all the time in world evolution; and it falls to human beings, particularly those of our own time, to acquire real understanding of the world events in which they are involved.'
Society and Medicine in a Totalitarian Age
Peter Selg
“No longer should the blood that runs through the ancestors be of sole account. From this point onward, what every single person achieves in one’s soul shall count. Every single human being shall be of value during their incarnation...” — Rudolf Steiner
A Natural History of Fairyland
Marjorie Spock
The Middle Kingdom! Various times and peoples have given it different names. To some it was Paradise, to others Tir-nan-Og; Arthurian Avalon; Fairyland; the World of Immortal Youth; the Land of Heart’s Desire. Where exactly is that country? Well, if God’s is the world of creative power and ours the world of created objects, the fairy world is the land of life that lies between them, serving as the bridge for their interaction.
The Heaven on Earth Workbook
Sharifa Oppenheimer
In this gem of a book, parents are offered an exploratory approach to the principles introduced in Heaven on Earth: A Handbook for Parents of Young Children. Using excerpts as leading thoughts, as well as “The Star of Family Culture” as a guiding image, parents are given a warmhearted lens through which to view their family life.
And The New Revelation of the Divine Feminine
Robert Powell
The rising interest in goddess spirituality expresses our current need to understand the feminine side of God, the Sophia (or Divine Wisdom), and her relationship to the masculine aspects of God. Offering a new perspective, the author draws on his own research and on the teaching of Russian philosopher Pavel Florensky, according to whom Sophia has a relationship to the masculine Trinity as an independent spiritual being. Robert Powell discusses Sophia as a Trinity - as Mother, Daughter, and Holy Soul - and as the feminine aspect of Divine Godhead. He connects our reawakening to the feminine aspect of God with many of the changes now taking place in the world.
Relationships as a Path of Discovery
Steve Briault
"Our relationships - with our family, colleagues, friends, lovers, partners - are decisive factors in our lives. More than outer success, wealth or fame, they make the difference between joy and sorrow, development and stagnation, fulfilment and frustration. They both stimulate and require us to reflect on our own initiatives and reactions. They lead us to thresholds of emotion and discovery. If we can navigate these thresholds with our eyes open, relationships can become a path of initiation, taking us beyond our self-centred isolation into new and inspiring worlds of experience."
Sophia as a Story for Our Time
Signe Eklund Schaefer
We should face that world not with our opinions but with our questions, indeed in a questioning mood and attitude. — Rudolf Steiner, The Fifth Gospel