Her Mission and Ours
Compiled with an introduction, commentary and notes by Christopher Bamford
Rudolf Steiner
The rebirth of the feminine surrounds us in many forms, from the global movement for women's rights to a renewed interest in feminine spirituality, the Goddess, and the Divine Mother. What is the spiritual meaning of this rebirth? What is the feminine divine? Who is she?
The feminine divine has had many names in many cultures: Ishtar in Babylon, Inanna in Sumeria, Athena, Hera, Demeter and Persephone in Greece, Isis in Egypt, Durga, Kali and Lakshmi in India. She is the Shekinah of the Cabalists, and the Sophia of the Gnostics. To Steiner, she is Anthroposophia (or Divine Wisdom), who descended from the spiritual world and passed through humanity to become now the goal and archetype of human wisdom in the cosmos.
This book contains most of Steiner's statements on Sophia. We see him "midwifing" the birth of the Sophia, the new Isis, and divine feminine wisdom, in human hearts on earth. Each chapter explores the mystery of the various relationships of Sophia: Sophia and Isis, Sophia and the Holy Spirit, Sophia and Mary, the mother of Jesus (and Mary Magdalene), Sophia and the Gnostic Achamod, and Sophia and the New Isis. Above all, in a remarkable way, Steiner makes clear the relationship of Christ and Sophia.
From the contents: Introduction by Christopher Bamford, Prologue: Living Thinking, Thinking Is an Organ of Perception, Thinking Unites Us with the Cosmos, The Holy Spirit and the Christ in Us, Sophia the Holy Spirit, Mary and Mary Magdalene, Sophia Is the Gospel Itself, Wisdom and Health, The Nature of the Virgin Sophia and of the Holy Spirit, Isis and Madonna, Wisdom and Love in Cosmic and Human Evolution, The Being Anthroposophia, The Gifts of Isis, From the Fifth Gospel, Sophia and Achamoth, The Legend of the New Isis, The Search for the New Isis.
RUDOLF STEINER (1861-1925) called his spiritual philosophy anthroposophy, which can be understood as wisdom of the human being. Steiner's many published works (writings and lectures) feature his research into the spiritual nature of the human being, the evolution of the world and humanity, and methods of personal development. Steiner wrote some 30 books and delivered over 6,000 lectures across Europe.
March 2004; RSP; 224pp; pb;
£22.50 ISBN 9780880104944