A Collection of Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ
Intro. by Stephen E. Usher
Rudolf Steiner
The first chapter of the Acts of the Apostles describes Christ’s Ascension: “and a cloud received him out of their sight.” As the disciples were looking up, two angels appeared and said, “the same Jesus, taken up from you into heaven, shall come again in the same way as you have seen him go.”
Starting in 1910, Rudolf Steiner initiated a series of lectures announcing the advent of Christ’s appearance in the sphere of the earth’s etheric or life body. This he said would begin between 1930 and 1940, but at first, only a few people would be aware of it. In time, more and more people—regardless of their religious affiliation—would be infused by Christ’s living presence. Such “Damascus experiences,” bespeaking a new natural clairvoyance, Steiner said, would become increasingly common.
The lectures collected here on the second coming of Christ also contain significant related issues, such as spiritual science and etheric vision, the etheric vision of the future, the Sermon on the Mount and the land of Shambhala, the etherization of the blood, the mysteries of comets and the moon, Buddhism and Pauline Christianity, and the three realms between death and rebirth.
24 May 2022; SB; 234pp; 21.5 x 14 cm; pb;
£24.95 ISBN 9781621482437