The Gospel of Christ's Humanity
A new translation of Rudolf Steiner's The Gospel of St. Matthew
Rudolf Steiner
Each of the four Gospels presents a different aspect of the Christ-event and its significance in earthly and cosmic evolution. According to Rudolf Steiner's spiritual research, St. Matthew's Gospel is, above all, the human gospel. Going back to ancient Atlantis, Steiner speaks of the missions of the different peoples-Turanians, Iranians, and Hebrews-showing how they contributed to Christ's Incarnation. Steiner then turns to Zoroastrianism and follows the individuality of Zoroaster, whose pupils reincarnated as Hermes and Moses. Through them, Zoroaster's influence continued to evolve, while he, too, continued to incarnate, finally as the Jesus of the Matthew Gospel.
In these profound lectures, Steiner speaks magisterially of the destiny of the Matthew Jesus. Among the many spiritual riches in this work are Steiner's explanations of the nature of true Christian initiation and the mission of Christ Jesus as the bringer of "I" consciousness. Steiner's insights also lead us to understand the miracles Christ performed, significant events such as the Transfiguration, and how the Christ force lived among the disciples.
Richard Smoley (author of Inner Christianity) has written an illuminating introduction, which explains Steiner's approach and makes his findings accessible by placing them in contexts familiar to readers today.
August 2003; Trans. C. Creeger, Intro. Richard Smoley (12 lectures, Berne, 10-12 Sep 1910; GA 123; AP; 240pp; 21.5 x 13.5 cm; pb;
£22.50 ISBN 9780880105040