Rudolf Steiner
“You will find meditative verses for the individual weeks of the year. You should take these meditations quite particularly into your hearts, for they contain what can make the soul alive and what really corresponds to a living relationship of the soul forces to the forces of the macrocosm.” — Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner's collection of fifty-two meditative verses—presented here in both English and German—were first published in 1925, shortly after Steiner's death. These verses, representing the fifty-two weeks of the year, begin with Easter week and offer thoughts that help one find a deeper relationship with the spiritual forces at work throughout the year.
Each verse in this volume appears alongside the corresponding verse for the week that represents a kind of opposite, or "compensating", force during the year.
This durable, pocket-size hardcover volume includes a short introduction by Hans Pusch, describing a unique and useful way to approach and use The Calendar of the Soul.
The Calendar of the Soul is a translation from German of “Anthroposophischer Seelenkalender,” in Wahrspruchworte (GA 40). Written 1912 (CW 40)
31 August 2023; Introduction by Hans Pusch; Translated by Hans Pusch and Ruth Pusch; Revised by Ruth Pusch; SteinerBooks; 64 pages; 140mm x 102mm; Hardback;
£14.99 ISBN 9781621483304