From Natura to the Divine Sophia
Rudolf Steiner
The wisdom contained in this book is not derived via the usual methods of scholarly and historical research, and neither is it based on theory or speculation. Rudolf Steiner acquired his original contribution to human knowledge from metaphysical dimensions of reality which are hidden to most people – but visible to anybody who is prepared to develop spiritual means of perception.
With his philosophical and scientific training, Steiner brought a new systematic discipline to the field of spiritual research, allowing for fully conscious methods and comprehensive results. A natural seer, he cultivated his spiritual vision to a high degree, enabling him to speak with authority on previously veiled mysteries.
Samples of his work are to be found in this book of edited texts, which brings together excerpts from his many talks and writings on the subject of the Goddess. This volume also features an editorial introduction, commentary and notes by Dr Andrew Welburn.
Chapters: Rediscovering the Goddess Natura; Retracing our Steps – Mediaeval Thought and the School of Chartres; The Goddess Natura in the Ancient Mysteries; The Goddess in the Beginning – the Birth of the Word; Esoteric Christianity – the Virgin Sophia; the Search for the New Isis; The Renewal of the Mysteries; The Modern Isis, the Divine Sophia.
20 October 2023; Selected texts ed. by Dr A. Welburn; RSP; 106pp; 17 x 12 cm; pb;
£8.99 ISBN 9781855840942