A Cosmic Picture
Maria Schindler
European thought and culture has had an enduring impact worldwide – but Europe has also been a focus of conflict and war on a global scale. With its international influence, Europe bears a responsibility, in example and practise, for humanity’s further development.
First published in English in 1975, this timely facsimile reprint of Maria Schindler’s classic work provides valuable spiritual insight into Europe’s contribution to human civilisation – its past as well as its future tasks – at a critical time in the continent’s destiny. Based on decades of first-hand experience and multi-lingual study, the author weaves a pictorial tapestry of Europe’s biographical history in all its human, earthly and cosmic content.
In past centuries, says Schindler, world-changing events were centred in the destinies of single countries or nations. Today, the individual needs of nations must be brought into harmony with the requirements of mankind as a whole. The enormity of humanity’s problems demand fresh insights based on new solutions with firm foundations. The author presents her intimate knowledge of European folklore and languages in connection with Willi Sucher’s ‘star wisdom’, the researches of Dr W. J. Stein and Dr Eugen Kolisko, and the inspiration of Rudolf Steiner and his cosmological and spiritual science of the universe and humanity.
Featuring 52 illustrations and numerous diagrams.
MARIA SCHINDLER was an artist and the author of Pure Colour (1947) and Goethe’s Theory of Colour (1964). Together with Eleanor Merry, she opened a painting school in London in the 1940s to develop painting techniques based on Goethe’s Theory of Colour.
23 October 2019; RSP; 276pp; 24.5 x 19 cm; pb;
£16.99 ISBN 9781855845695