Welcoming a Soul to the World
Dr Gilbert Childs and Sylvia Childs
The primary contention of this book is that, as a spiritual being, each of us lives beyond death, and eventually returns to earth in a new human body. With this knowledge in mind, the authors give much sound practical advice as to how parents, and others who spend time with children, can welcome a soul to the world and help it grow into a healthy and responsible human being.
Mainstream educational policies and practises can result in children being pushed prematurely towards adulthood, before having had a chance truly to experience childhood. As the authors demonstrate, an understanding of the nature of the human being as comprising body, soul and spirit leads to the conclusion that every child should be allowed to grow slowly into the world.
One of the main purposes of this book', write the authors, 'is to demonstrate that human beings are primarily of spiritual nature, and only secondarily of bodily nature'. They explain how these two natures complement each other in the processes of maturation and development from the period before birth, or incarnation, to maturity. As well as a firm philosophical grounding, Your Reincarnating Child discusses critical questions surrounding the pre- and antenatal periods, including issues connected to clothing, food, play, work, technology, discipline, and much more.
GILBERT CHILDS attended the Steiner teacher training course at Michael Hall after war service. He later studied at four universities, his doctoral thesis being entitled ÔSteiner Education as Historical NecessityÕ. After teaching at State and Steiner schools he spent twenty years as a tutor in a further education college for severely physically disabled students. He is, in retirement, a full-time author and keen gardener. His published works include Understand YOUR Temperament and The Journey Continues.
SYLVIA CHILDS, BEd, MA, DipTchg (Waikato, New Zealand) had eleven years' experience of teaching children of all ages. During this time she became convinced of the viability of Steiner's educational philosophy, and the great responsibility parents and teachers bear for their part in forming the destiny of the children entrusted to them. Sylvia Childs passed away in 1996.
March 2005; RSP; 192pp; 21.5 x 13.5 cm; pb;
£9.95 ISBN 9781855841260