Reflections on the Future of Medicine
Peter Selg
“History does not repeat, but it does instruct.” — Timothy Snyder (On Tyranny)
Since 2009, Peter Selg, along with Polish historians, has led seminars on medical ethics at the Auschwitz- Birkenau memorial for students at Witten / Herdecke University, Germany. This book was created following a public event in 2019 that investigated the “lessons of Auschwitz” for the practice of medicine in society today and in the future.
As well as commemorating the individual victims, the Auschwitz event focused on the role of German physicians in the Nazi regime. In this book, Dr. Selg’s discussions go far beyond the historical events of the 1930s and ’40s. Countering the legacy of Auschwitz- Birkenau and the inhumane medical practices of that time, he presents us with ways to advance forms of medicine today that encourage the most compassionate treatment of one another as human beings.
“Today, as always in times of crisis, there are symptoms of a return, if not to Nazism, then to a right-wing regime that is strong, with a firm, streamlined order.” — Primo Levi
24 May 2022; Trans. by Jeff Martin; SB; 234pp; 23 x 15 cm; pb;
£24.95 ISBN 9781621482666