Anthroposophic Ideas to Ensure the Wellbeing of Our Children in This Digital Age
Ross Rentea, Mark Kamsler and Andrea Rentea
“This book, a highly researched yet accessible body of work, explains how current influences, primarily immunizations, infiltrate the child’s organism and make growing up more difficult. The book, however, then also offers many practical ways to overcome those hurdles. Supporting the health of the developing child with anthroposophic education and anthroposophic medicine will thus ‘soften’ the blow to the archetypical, desired development. The authors show dedication, integrity and clarity throughout the book.”
— Mary Jo Oresti, MA, Founding member of the Educational Support Program at the Detroit Waldorf School and Director and founding member of the Teacher Educational Support Program, an international professional development program sponsored by the Association for a Healing Education.Based on the authors’ many years of medical experience in the “trenches,” this book offers new ways of looking at the complex topic of childhood illnesses and immunizations. Essential information is presented from an anthroposophic point of view:
CHILDHOOD ILLNESSES — their fundamental characteristics and meaning
IMMUNIZATION INFORMATION — benefits and dangers
REMEDIES (more than 100!) — related to immunizations and the general wellbeing of our children
ANTHROPOSOPHIC MEDICINE — essential concepts
SPIRITUALIZED EDUCATION — Why is it so essential in relation to immunizations?
RUDOLF STEINER’S TEXTS — a comprehensive selection on immunizations and childhood illnesses
BASIC IMMUNOLOGY — combining natural and spiritual scientific insights5 December 2017; SB; 478pp; 23 x 15 cm; pb;
£35.00 ISBN 9781621482024