Walking the Path in the Twenty-first Century
Michael Hedley Burton
An investigation into the “threshold”—what it is, how humanity is meeting it today, and how it can be crossed
"I am being driven forward
into an unknown land.
The pass grows steeper,
the air colder and sharper.
A wind from my unknown goal
stirs the strings
of expectation.Still the question:
will I ever get there?
There where life resounds,
a clear, pure note
in the silence."—Dag Hammarskjöld
The phrase “walk the path” is a metaphor for the life journey of those who aim toward spiritual illumination. We all have our own unique journey in life, and no one can walk that path for us or prescribe the way we should go. Nevertheless, we sometimes encounter a fellow traveler along the way with whom insights and experiences can be shared. There is much to discuss, because today we can no longer rely on the dogmas and orthodoxies of human history. Spiritual illumination today demands a path of knowledge without preconception and fixed worldviews.
This book is written for those who have come to the point of deciding that the best thing they can do for the good of the earth and for their own fulfillment is to approach life as a quest for self-knowledge and true inner freedom. For them, this book will be an invaluable roadmap and guide for the many important milestones and crossroads we encounter in life. Michael Burton offers seven chapters that echo the seven stages of the alchemical process of illumination. It is written in such a way that it not only imparts information but also engages the reader’s life of feeling and will. No one can read this book and not be challenged to walk the path toward inner transformation.
July 2016; SB; 124pp; 21.5 x 14 cm; pb;
£14.99 ISBN 9781621481607