Ad Dekkers
Originally published in the Netherlands in 2011, this book is the result of a life's work devoted to developing the craft of psychotherapy in a way that leaves the therapist's and the client's own responsibilities intact and that stimulates a direct, open, and honest link with day-to-day reality.
From his deep commitment to raising the consciousness of both therapists and clients regarding the profound relevance of the larger world situation we find ourselves in (history), as well as one's own current stage of life, Ad Dekkers has spent the past thirty years developing a battery of detailed, yet flexible, psychotherapeutic exercises. These organically developed exercises, useful and stimulating for both the practitioner and the general reader, constitute the core of this book.
Although written with practicing psychotherapists in mind, anyone interested in the history of the twentieth century or the biographical stages of human life will be rewarded here with a singular and caring picture of the human experience in our time.
Foreword by William Bento, PhD
The Continuing Development of psychotherapy
Developing the Psychotherapeutic Craft
The History of the Exercises
The Psychological Sensation
The Natural Development of the Exercises
1. Perception, Memory, and More
The Importance of Memories
Case—Bringing memories to the surface: A therapeutic dialogue
“Situations” and “Events”
Case—Restoring the capacity to observe after damage caused by ideological indoctrination
The Complex Term “Event”
Case—A suicide attempt. The destructive power of the ban on observation
Rudolf Steiner: Twelve Senses
The Effects of Completing Memory Depictions: About the Sentient Soul
Case—“Don’t get involved in anything that throws you off balance.” A suffocating climate for the sentient soul
Continuing the Internal Activity: The Organizing Role of the Rational-Feeling Soul
The Future Perspective. The Role of the Consciousness Soul
Case—The therapy develops: Collecting facts—making interpretations—reevaluating decisions
2. Phases of Life: The Focus on Development
How Can Age Be Made Visible?
Case—Age as a therapeutic gateway. The 21st year of life
The Factor of Age in Therapy
Case—A trouble-free past and problems nonetheless. The “I” comes on the scene and demands its rights
An Interim Overview of the Exercises
The Power of Imagination
Case—Age as a therapeutic gateway. The 42nd year of life
Case—Exploring the mirroring age
3. The Impact of History: The Generations as a Conduit
Dilemmas in Psychotherapy
The Aftereffects of the First World War: An Example
Case—The absence of war memories
From Perception to Understanding to Effect: Processing the Example
Memories in the Context of History: Two Examples
Therapeutic Effect of the Historical Perspective
Case—The 1970s and 1980s: “Everything is possible” parents
The Influence of Our Material Surroundings
The Parents as Conduits
Case—The children of the spiritual revolution
Transgenerational Transference and the Differences between Parents and Children
Wibke Bruhns: Germany’s War Record
At the Back Door of History
Case—The Netherlands and slavery. The therapist is wide of the mark
The Struggle to Deal with the Past: Quelling Rebellion in the Dutch East Indies
Case—Acknowledging our colonial past
Proposal for a Transgenerational Principle
Case—“Hardened and affected by the Second World War”
An Example of Positive Transgenerational Transference: Oliver Sacks
4. The Self-Aware “I”
The Development of the “I” during the Stages of Life. The Birth of the “I”: The First Memory
The Development of the “I” during the Stages of Life. Up to the Age of 21: The “I” Takes Possession of the Body
The Development of the “I” during the Stages of Life. The 21st Year: The “I” Ascends the Throne: The Sentient Soul
The Development of the “I” during the Stages of Life. The Hypomochlion: The Rational-Feeling Soul
The Development of the “I” during the Stages of Life. The Twin-Track Decision around the 35th Year: The Consciousness Soul
The Development of the “I” during the Stages of Life. The 42nd Year: The Midlife Crisis. The Spirit Comes on the Scene
The Awakening of Self-Awareness: Observation of the Will: Actual Intentions
Awakening Self-Awareness: About Warmth
Case—Contact with one’s own source of creation through warmth
Awakening Self-Awareness: Reincarnation as a Theme in Therapy?
Case—Ten rights of the human being. “Do you believe in reincarnation?”
Awakening Self-Awareness: Karmic Encounters
Awakening Self-Awareness: Role-reversal in “I” Perspective
Case—A conciliatory role-reversal
Awakening self-awareness: Spontaneous role-reversal during the near-death experience
Case—The end of a psychosomatic problem: compassion “His war has become part of me”
Awakening Self-Awareness: Karmic Compensation
Awakening Self-Awareness: The Conscience
Case—The broken heart; or, The conscience as real power
ExercisesThis book is a translation from Dutch of Psychotherapie van de menselijke waardigheid (Christofoor, 2011).
23 February 2016; Trans. Ed O’Sullivan; SB; 424; 23 x 15 cm; pb;
£30.00 ISBN 9781621481126