Forming Our Destiny in the Physical and Spiritual Worlds
Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner delivered these lectures near the end of 1915 and the beginning of World War I, when the issue of death and destiny weighed on the minds of many in Europe. He describes the process of crossing the threshold of death to life in the spiritual world; the soul’s experience immediately after death and the process of forming one’s destiny, or karma, while we remain on Earth and later in the spirit world. Steiner also discusses the importance of our connection with those who have died and how love and reverence to the memory of the dead must be united with our love for the physical world, and how we can strengthen ourselves through meditation.
October 2013; Trans. P. Wehrle & J. Collis (CW 157a); SB; 150pp; 21.5 x 13.5 cm; pb;
£15.99 ISBN 9781621480303