Rudolf Steiner signature

    Three Perspectives on Self-Knowledge

    Rudolf Steiner


    Radical, thought-provoking, and indeed mind-boggling, What Is Anthroposophy? leads to a completely itself is not just physical, but psychic and spiritual as well.

    These three previously new way of looking at what it means to be human-a spiritual being in a universe that untranslated lectures are a masterly introduction to what Rudolf Steiner means by 'anthroposophy.' They explain why he describes this path - which means literally "the wisdom of the human being" - as one that "unites what is spiritual in the human being with what is spiritual in the universe."

    September 2002; Trans. M. Spiegler, Intro. C. Bamford (3 lectures, Dornach, Jul 20-22 1923; GA 225); AP; 96pp; 21.5 x 13.5 cm; pb;

    £11.99  ISBN 9780880105064